He is mine and i am his.

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I slowly let go of her hands and walked away.


Ashley's POV -

My eyes followed Tom as he stomped up the stairs. I stood in the kitchen staring at the stairs in confusion. I was expecting him to go off on me, but instead he walked away without saying a word. He was trying so hard to not show his anger. This is so unusual for him but I'm relieved. I sighed and walked over to the other side of the kitchen. I knew Tom needed some time alone, so I took a seat on the closest barstool and began to play with the end of my plate, trying to entertain myself. I scanned through the kitchen and began to take notice to small details I've never seen. The small splatter of blood towards the bottom of the fridge. A chip in the wall showing the brick underneath. The first aid kit that is always splayed open in the corner. This house wasn't a home to them, and it was very clear. I sighed low to myself and slowly rose from my seat. I crept towards the floating cupboard above the stove then opened it quietly. I squealed to myself in excitement as I reached both of my hands forward, pulling out two full bottles of alcohol. I turned around placing them on the table before looking over to the clock on the wall. It was 5 pm so playing some music wouldn't be a big deal. I ran over to the couch and grabbed the remote. I put some of my favourite songs on queue and began to skip back to the kitchen. 

"Bill!" I yelled out as reached for one of the bottles.

"Yes?" Bill yelled from his room before making his way out. I picked up both bottles and held them up with a smile as Bill stood in his doorway.

"Come let's have a drink" I smiled as I danced around with the bottles in my hands. I watched as he slightly smiled.

"I don't think that's a good idea Ashley" Bill said low walking closer to me. I placed both bottles on the bench and danced over to him.

I held onto his shoulders and swayed around to the music. "I'm okay Bill. Just a few" I smiled as I turned him around.

"One Ashley" he said.

"That's what I meant" I giggled as I pushed him closer to the bench.

Bill turned to me and shook his head with a smirk, I smiled back. His smile was identical to Toms, but Toms was dark and mysterious. Bill's smile was kind and light-hearted just like his personality. I know Tom has a soft side to him and I wished that I could see it. I wished he could open up and show me that side of him. I loved the adrenaline I got from Tom. The rush was so exciting, but I want to see that loving side of him. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of fizzy drink. I didn't want to drink it straight, I needed a mixer. I grabbed to glasses out of the cupboard and placed them on the bench. I poured the vodka into the glass about halfway. I looked up to see Bill eyes widen as I poured. I let out a small chuckle then put the bottle down. I picked up the fizzy and poured it in, filling the glass. I smiled and slowly leant over the bench while pushing the glass closer to Bill. He smiled and clutched the glass.

"Thanks" he smiled and slowly raised the glass to his lips, taking a sip.

He coughed as he chocked it down. I knew it would be strong. I smiled low to myself. I loved Bill and wanted to make it up to him. I was grateful I had him, and I wanted him to have fun.
I walked around the bench and sat next to Bill. I gave him a few awkward glances before my favourite song came on.

I smiled and jumped from my seat. Bill turned in his chair and laughed at me. I held my glass and spun around the floor. I turned back to Bill and handed him my drink to hold. He took my drink, placing it down on the bench as I started to dance over to the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned up the music. I sung my heart out as I danced around the floor. I heard Gustav's door open, and I giggled. He walked out of his room in confusion. His eyes widened as he scanned the room.

Forbidden Love || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now