No way was i letting her go

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I turned away and buried my head back into the book.


Ashley's POV

I was stuck into my book when I heard the door slam behind me. I swung my head around to see Tom walking towards me. He clenched his jaw and sat on the chair in front of me stiffly before turning away from me to look out at the city. My eyes lingered on him for a moment before I turned back to my book. I tried to focus on the words written in front of me, but I just couldn't. I slowly let my eyes wonder to Tom's presence. He was sitting on the chair silently looking up at the sky. Why was he even out here? I placed the book down beside me and repositioned myself in my chair. I began to stare off into the sky with Tom. Everything was silent. I turned back to Tom to see his eyes focusing on me. I quickly looked away and awkwardly played with my hair, trying to brush it off.

"Ashley" Tom said softly. "Can I ask you something?" he continued.

"Yeah, what?" I simply said turning my head in his direction, not even wanting to hear it.

"It's about you past" he said as he lent forward in his chair.

"Why?" I asked confused. Why did he want to know? Why does he care?

"I don't know" he mumbled as he looked away.

"What so you can hold shit against me?" I snapped at him as I leant back in my chair.

"You know what, it doesn't matter" he said pushing himself up. "Im just trying to better myself" he mumbled under his breath as he walked towards the door.

"What?" I snapped. I had no idea what he just said because how low he spoke.

"Don't worry Ashley, just go get ready we will be leaving soon" he said as he opened the door.

"Okay" I mumbled in annoyance as I got up from the chair and picked up my book.

I followed him inside and stormed off in the direction of the bathroom. As I made my way to the bathroom, I began to think to myself. Why did he get so upset? Why did he want to know about my past? Why did he care all of a sudden? I closed the bathroom door and walked over to the sink. I leant down and washed my face. I sighed as I dried my face off and picked up my moisturiser. I began to do my usual makeup look before putting some loose curls in my hair. I took one last look in the mirror then walked out of the bathroom. I started to walk up the stairs before I stopped.

"Ashley" Lauren called from the bottom of the stairs. I turned around and saw her waving me over. "Come here" she said as she gestured me down. I turned around to face her and started to skip back down the stairs.

"Yes" I smiled as I got closer.

"Girl this is one of the biggest races yet. Come get ready with me and Anna" she laughed as she lightly grabbed my wrist and dragged me into Gustav's room.

I followed behind her as she pulled me into the room. I was surprised on how tidy his room was and Lauren had really left her mark. She dragged me into the bathroom, where Anna was leant over the sink doing her makeup. She let me go and swung me around, examining me. She reached for her makeup bag and pulled out some different products.

"I just did my makeup-" I started before she stopped me.

"Yeah, yeah shush" she said before picking up an pallet.

She added some more bronzer and blush to my face before grabbing another pallet. She brushed on some eyeshadow and grabbed eyeliner. I had to stay very still while she did it. She then picked up some fake lashes. She applied the glue as I looked at her a bit nervous.

"Stay still" she said getting closer to my face.

"Uh huh" I said trying my hardest not to move. Lauren placed the eyelashes on my eyes. My eyes felt heavy. I don't usually wear false lashes, so this was a weird feeling.

She then took a step back a grinned. "Perfect" she said grabbing my face. I then slowly turned to the mirror before she grabbed my face. "Nope. Outfit first" she laughed.

"Okay ill got get dressed" I smiled before she shook her head.

"No all your clothes are over worn" she laughed as she grabbed my wrist once again and pulled me out of the bathroom.

I silently followed her, still processing everything. I really didn't know how I felt about this. I hate letting other people do my makeup and dress me, but I trust Lauren. She pulled out a tiny matching set. The skirt looked two sizes too small as did the top.

"I don't think this is going to fit" I laughed as I took it from her hands.

"Sure, it will" she laughed while tapping my shoulder. She got closer to the door, opening it. "Get dressed" she continued.

"Okay" I laughed awkwardly as she slammed the bathroom door.

I slipped out of my outfit and pulled up the skirt. I jumped up and down trying to pull the skirt up past my hips. I finally got it up, then turned around to check the length. My ass was pretty much hanging out.

"Holy shit" I laughed before grabbing the top from the bed.

I through it over my head and pulled it down. My chest was a lot bigger than the other girls so I knew it wouldn't fit properly. I stuffed my boobs into the top as best as I could then pulled my skirt down as far as it went. I left the room and knocked on the bathroom door, waiting for them to let me in. Lauren opened the door and her jaw dropped.

"Oh my god" she squealed as she opened the door wider so I could see my reflection.

"Woah what the fuck" I laughed as I walked closer to the mirror.

I couldn't even recognise myself. I looked through the thick lashes at my outfit. I raised my hands and covered myself. I couldn't help but love this look. I got closer to the mirror and noticed the eye makeup.

"You look so hot" Anna said with wide eyes. I smiled back at her ran my tongue across my teeth.

"If Tom doesn't fall to his knees from sight of you, he's insane" Lauren laughed as she spun me around.

I hugged her tight. "Thank you" I smiled as I let go and squealed.

Toms POV -

"I don't know" I replied to Bill as we sat on the couch.

"But why Tom? Why does she need to be here?" Bill spoke softly, still a hint of anger in his tone.

"I don't know Bill. I just know I don't want her to leave" I replied looking away.

"What, do you love her?" Bill blurted out. I stopped for a second thinking it through.

"No, I don't. I just don't want to see her leave... she's also good for business. We're not at high risk" I replied, still turned away from him.

"Tom honestly you think this through" he said as he stood up from the couch. "It's not right" he mumbled as he walked closer to his room.

I sighed and fell back into the couch. I looked to the roof conflicting with myself. I couldn't let her go. I had no idea why. She meant nothing but business. Yeah, she was hot and always there for a good time, but I could get that from anyone. I laid on the couch staring at the ceiling before I heard a door open. I slowly moved my head towards the noise as I watched Ashley slowly walk out.

"Fuck" I moaned low to myself.

She had never looked better. Her face was caked in makeup and her hair looked beautiful, but the outfit was the best. She was wearing a black corset top with a mini leather skirt. I repositioned myself and watched as she ran up the stairs. I watched as her chest bounced while she ran. I thought I should go run up there, but I stopped myself. No way I was going to let her go. I thought to myself. I sat back up and shook my head. No way was I letting her go out in public like that.

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