Sie gehört mir

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"We're going to a deal and then for a drive so put something nice on" i said cold as she held her face.


Ashley POV -

His words angered me. How could he say that to me? I slowly turned around and made my way up to the stairs quickly making my way to Tom's room and getting a some clothes out of the dresser. Before quickly going down stairs to have a shower.

I had a really quick shower so something like last time didn't happen. I jumped out the shower and quickly wriggled into my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't like the person staring back at me. I looked skinny and sick and I was really pale. I stared for a bit longer before letting a few tears stream down. I smiled at myself in the mirror and wiped my tears away. I was strong he wouldn't tear me down like this.

I walked out the bathroom confident before going upstairs to Bills room. I knocked on the door and Mel opened it.

"I need your help" I said with a smug smile. She looked at me confused. "I need an outfit and for you to do my makeup and hair" I smiled. I needed to do something to make me feel better and gain confidence.

She immediately smiled and pulled me into the room and through a door that lead to a massive bathroom. Her makeup was scattered all over the sink. I giggled at the sight of the mess. She had always been messy. She sat me down at a stool and started to do my makeup. My eyes were still swollen and red from the crying but she made it work.

Mel didn't let me see my makeup until she did my hair and chose my outfit. We soon finished and she lead me to a mirror and spun me around before I could see myself. I giggled painfully as I was scared to see myself. I was trying to hide the pain and make her believe that I was okay. She slowly spun me around. I gasped at the girl infront of me. I looked at myself in the mirror had loose wavy curleys in my hair and my makeup was really natural. My outfit was simple just a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeve top but it mad me feel good. I really needed this.

"You look amazing" Mel smiled as I turned to her and hugged her.

"Thank you I really needed this" I smiled.


Mel had finished getting ready she was wearing a small blue dress and her hair was pin straight. She looked amazing as always. Bill soon walked into the bathroom we both snapped our heads to look at him. His eyes lit up at the sight of Mel. My heart fluttered he was really kind and was genuine about his feelings towards her. I smiled to myself as I heard Toms loud icy voice yell from downstairs.

We all left the room making our way down the stairs. Mel being wrapped in Bills arms. I followed after them as we reached the bottom. I instantly felt Tom's eyes on me.

"You listened" he said with a smug tone. His comment made me angry.

"Fuck off" I spat back instantly. His face dropped.

"The fuck did you say?" he said as he stepped closer to me. I stood my ground staring at him with a smug look on my face before Bill stepped in front of us.

"Come on we're going to be late" he said getting in Tom's way. Tom scoffed and Bill started slowly walking to the door as I gave Tom a dumb smile and followed after Bill.

Toms POV -

Ashley makes me so angry but I love it. She followed Bill out the door and all I could do was stare at her. She looked so good and her words made me want her so bad. I loved when she tested me but I also hate it. I love that she's not like other girls and shit talks me but sometimes it fucks me off. Sometimes she just needs to shut the fuck up.

I soon followed them out, walking up my car. I shot Ashley a hard look as she rolled her eyes and kept following Bill.

I saw Bill whisper in Ashley's ear as she rolled her eyes and turned to me. Then she slowly walked over to my car and sat herself in the passenger seat. I slowly got in and shutting the door. I put on hand the steering wheel and the other crept on her thigh. She immediately smacked my hand off her thigh.

"Fuck off Tom!" she yelled as she sat back into her chair and stared infront of her. God she made me so angry but I loved the way she acted. I love the way she's not afraid of me but I also hate it. I'm supposed to be the most feared man in Tokyo. But how Ashley dosent see that makes me fill full of lust. I love when girls obey and worship me but I also crave the hate.

I put my hand back on her thigh and squeezed it really hard making her wince. I pulled myself up and leant over the glove compartment."Fuck I love when your like this" I whispered in her ear before moving my hand up closer to her.

She jolted back as I jumped back up into my seat and a laugh slipped out my lips. I quickly pulled the hand brake back and reversed back fast the switching again speeding of into the streets of Tokyo.

The drive was quiet she just sat there her arms crossed. I felt her eyes glance upon me from time to time which filled me with joy. We eventually made it to the warehouse the boys soon following after.

"Try anything Ashley and I won't hesitate to blow your head off." I said to Ashley. She made direct eye contact with me and smiled.

"You stay in here until I say so" I continued as she broke the eye contact and stared out the window. I got out the car and quickly pulled out the briefcase and leant against the car making eye contact with Ashley a few times through the window. Soon the dealer pulled up. The gang leader Ice came out the car.

"You got the money?" Ice said in a cold tone then looking into my car at Ashley. "Damn or can I have her" he chuckled readjusting his crotch. His comment filled with so much angry but I dint show it.

"Yep I have the money" I said swinging around the briefcase. Ice smiled at me then back at Ashley. He then signaled for one of his men to walk up up me. The man handed me a bag. I put the bag on my car and looked in the windshield as I saw Ashley who was unimpressed. I looked away and slowly unzipped the bag and pulled out one of the little bags. I unzipped the little bag and put some on my finger snd snorted it. A big smile rose on my face as I turned to Ice.

"Give him the money" I said as I turned to Bill. He slowly walked up to him and gave him the money. Ice's face lit up as he opens the case to see bands of money. I turned to the boys and gave them a nod as they all pulled out their guns and shot ever last man. I walked up to Ice's body and kicked them limp thing. I slowly bent down and picked up the briefcase.

"Danke und sie gehört mir, du dreckiges Schwein" I said low and grinned. I turned around making my way to the car.

Now I have the money and drugs I smiled to myself. I caught a glimpse of Ashley who looked now a bit shocked. I waved her out the car as we walked into the ware house. This is where we did all our deals and we had a few couches and kept our inventory here. I threw the bag and case on bench and sat down on the couch. Ashley stood in the door way as I shot her a look.

She walked up to the couch and sat down next to me. I pulled her closer as she scoffed in disgust. She backed up but before she got away I pulled her waist up and sat her down on my lap. She looked a bit startled which made me grin. Her legs were either side of mine and she was facing me. Ashley was quiet for a second before she smacked me across the face and tried to get up but I was holding her legs. I wave of anger overcame me as I shot up making her fall back onto the hard concreat floor. Before I leant down and grabbed her by her writs and dragged her along with me.

"We're going for a drive" I said harsh as she tried to pull back.

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