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They counted together as I became filled with dizziness and soon felt my head smack forward against the table.


Ashley's POV -

The memories of being drugged and how we never got to live the life we anticipated haunted me. I was snapped out of my trance as I heard Tom yell "tell me!". I ignored him and continued crying as Bill quickly got up to comfort me.

"Tom seriously get out" Bill snarled at him.

Tom chuckled and looked up at me. He slowly rose from his chair and walked up to the hospital bed. "Whatever he did to you" he whispered in my ear "...I promise I'll do worse". His hot breath made me freeze in fear as I felt my whole world spinning. He turned his head and made his way to the door before stopping and giving me a devilish smirk from over his shoulder.

Melissa's POV -

It had been 2 days since I was last at the hospital with Tom. I've been staying at their house in the meantime waiting for Ashley to be discharged. Tom hasn't come back from the hospital since, and Bill has been going back and forth. Since being here I've gotten to know the rest of the gang really well. It was just Tom, Bill, Gustav, and Georg who lived here and there were other guys who would come and go from time to time. Georg and Gustav are really nice guys. They were very easy to talk to and it was kind of hard to believe they were a part of a gang.

I was sitting on a stool in the kitchen flipping through one of the many magazines lying on the table in front of me. All I could think about was Ashley. Bill had told me she was awake and doing very well and that she would soon be discharged. I was so happy that she was alive and well but all I could think about was what she would say to me when she came home.

I knew she was angry about seeing me with Bill at the race, I couldn't even imagine the kind of rage she would feel if she saw me here when she came back. Georg had told me that I was free to go whenever I wanted, however Tom had different plans for Ashley. She wasn't going anywhere. I wasn't sure if she knew that yet, but there was no way I was going to leave her. She is my best friend and I know that she needs me, but she wasn't the only reason I wanted to stay. I have really started to like Bill and the rest of the guys and for the first time, I feel safe.

Tom's POV –

I left Ashley with Bill and made my way to the front desk. I leant over, looking down at the nurse sitting behind it.

"What can I help you with Mr Kaulitz?" she asked, her voice filled with fear.

"When can she go home?" I asked nodding my head towards Ashley's room. The nurse franticly flipped through the files scattered on the desk, pulling out Ashley's then quickly skimming through it.

"You can take her today, I'll call the doctor and get him to sign her discharge papers... it will only take a couple of minutes." She said nervously smiling at me then continuing to dial the phone sitting next to her.

I walked to towards the few chairs that were placed directly in front of Ashley's room and sat down. A touch of sorrow made its way through my body as I thought of how she cried. The way she broke down. I had never seen her like that. I needed to know what Chase and his gang had done to her. I felt bad for the comment I had made but I couldn't show It. She needed to know that I wasn't the person to mess with.

As I looked up towards her room, I saw Bill walking towards the door. I could tell he wasn't impressed with me. He made his way over to me, sitting down in the empty chair beside me not saying a word.

Ashley's POV –

"Please leave Bill" I said, tears streaming down my face as I watched Tom walk out of the room.

"Ashley I'm sorry for what he said... I'm sure he didn't mean it" Bill replied as he grabbed my hand holding it tight.

"Bill... I just need to be alone for a minute." I said calmly while squeezing his hand as if to reassure him that I would be okay.

Bill got up and slowly walked towards the door. "I'll just be over there, call out of u need anything okay." He said with a sympathetic smile before shutting the door behind him.

I was now left alone with my thoughts. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down, but Tom's comment wouldn't leave my mind. I can't believe he had said that to me. Just as I had calmed myself, I heard a knock on the door. I turned my head to see the doctor poking his head through the door which he had slightly opened.

"How are you feeling Ashley?" he asked with a charming smile as he walked in closing the door behind him.

"I'm feeling okay, I'm just sore" I said wiping my face. He walked towards the side table sitting next to my bed placing my charts out in front of him.

"Everything looks good, I think you're ready to be discharged" he said making eye contact with me before looking back down to my papers. "I'm going to send you home with some sedatives to help with the pain okay".

I hated being in this hospital bed but leaving meant leaving with Tom. I took a deep breath and nodded as the doctor finished signing all the papers.

"If there are any complications, come back in and see me." He said politely before making his way out of the door. I knew I needed to prepare myself for what was going to happen. I know that I'm going to be okay. I can handle Tom and whatever he throws at me. He has no idea what he's in for.

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