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I was furious.


Ashley's POV

I stomped down the stairs, every inch of my body filled with anger. Why couldn't I just do it? I was so stupid. I made it to the bottom of the stairs to see Katya sitting in the kitchen giving me a dirty look as usual. I stopped for a moment trying to bring myself together, but it was no use. I wasn't having it.

"What!" I yelled at her as I through my hands up. She instantly looked away trying to ignore me. I was in no mood for her attitude.

"Go on, what's your problem!" I screamed as I walked towards her. She had nothing to say. She sat at the kitchen table staring into the wall acting as if I wasn't there.

"Fucking look at me cunt." I yelled directly into her ear. Katya slightly turned her head towards me but avoided eye any contact.

"What's your fucking problem?" I continued as her eyes scanned the room. She went to speak but before she could I gripped onto her hair and smashed her head into the table in front of her.

She rose her head grabbing a hold of it and groaning in pain as continued to scream in her face. The fact she was ignoring me pissed me off. I yanked her from the bar stool, throwing her to the ground before taking all of my anger out on her. She tried fighting back but it was pathetic. I laughed as she tried to defend herself. I gave her on last hit across the face before giving her a chance to pull herself together so I could go again. She crawled up into the corner trying to hide, so I followed. She looked up into my eyes with fear, pleading for it to be over. Her hair was knotted and there was blood everywhere.

"Do you seriously have a problem with me because of Tom? You're a fucking idiot. I don't want to be here, but I don't have a fucking choice!" I screamed, before I kicked her in the ribs repeatedly.

I got down on top of her and started to lay into her once again. She didn't really deserve all this but all the emotions I've built up these past few weeks took over. I started to sob, and my punches became weaker. I soon felt someone grab me from behind, pull me up. I fell back into their arms, causing us to fall to the ground. I felt so unbelievably weak. I turned my head slightly to be met with Bills worried eyes. I watched as Katya got up. She stood in front of me for a moment watching me as I cried before wiping the blood from her face and giving me a fake smile.

"I'll fucking kill you next time!" I screamed in fury. I had just given her the beating of a lifetime and she was still being a bitch.

I watched as she ran up the stairs and into Toms room. Bill grabbed my hand as I started to calm down. He stayed silent just holding me which I needed. I slowly got up to my feet and turned around to help Bill. He stood Infront of me, grabbing either side of my arms.

"Are you okay?" he said softly while staring deep into my eyes.

I nodded and gave him a small smile before walking away not saying a word. I made my way into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I put my back to the door and slowly slid down placing my hands over my face, starting to cry again. I don't know how long I can keep doing this. I wiped away the tears on my cheeks before standing up and looking at myself in the mirror. My eyes were swollen, my skin was pale and lifeless.My body was now skinny and frail. I was unrecognisable. I hated the person I saw in the mirror. It wasn't me. I knew exactly what I needed to mask the pain. I walked over to the door and swung it open. I looked around for anyone before running out and making it to the kitchen. I opened the cupboard quietly and searched through them. After rummaging through the cupboards, I had finally found all the alcohol. I couldn't help but notice the wide collection of pills on the shelf above. I walked closer and reached up, grabbing a handful of the tiny orange bottles. I quickly looked through them trying to find the strongest ones, but I was getting impatient. I stuffed them all into my pocket, grabbing a few more for good measure. I went to grab a bottle as I heard a low voice.

"What are you doing?" Georg questioned as I turned to him.

"Finding something to eat," I smiled "if that's okay?" I added.

"Oh yeah of course" he laughed.

I watched as he turned around and walked back into his room. I quickly turned around, grabbing two bottles, and shut the cupboard with my foot. I ran back into the bathroom and locked myself inside once again. I placed the two bottles of alcohol on the counter, and I reached into my pocket, pulling out all the pills. I read the packaging, but I still had no idea what would work the best. I popped out the first one and opened the fresh bottle of gin. I placed the pill in the back of my mouth, washing it down with the alcohol. I repeated this several times before I finished the bottle, but I still felt nothing. I sighed and opened the second bottle, shoving another handful of pills in my mouth.

I fell onto the floor, unable to feel my body. Everything was moving in slow motion. I tried to reach for the bottle, but instead knocked both bottles off the counter causing them to smash on the tiles. The sound of the glass shattering pierced my ears. My head started pounding and I couldn't think straight.

As I laid on the cold tiles, I started to hear muffled sounds from the other side of the door. The loud bangs on the door became clearer and the voice became louder. I tried to focus on the voice I was hearing.

"Ashley open up!" I heard a voice say.

I gave myself a moment before forcing myself up. The room didn't feel real, nothing did. I stepped closer to the door, the glass crunched under my bare feet with each step.

"Ashley are you okay?" the voice said.

I used all my might to open the door. "I am now" I slurred.

I felt myself fall forward before I landed in someone's arms. I heard the frantic gasp as the person laid me on the ground. I couldn't feel anything, but I liked it that way.

"Tom!" I heard the voice yell. I knew it must have been Bill. "Ashley what did you do!" he screamed as he shook my limp body.

I let out a sigh of relief before shutting my eyes and letting everything go black.

Bills POV

"Tom!" I screamed frantically as I laid her body down on the ground. I shook her limp body as I held back tears. "Ashley what did you do!".

I looked into the bathroom to see empty pill bottles scattered everywhere, two bottles of alcohol that had been smashed and blood everywhere. I quickly turned back to Ashley to see her lifeless.

I held my two fingers to her pulse. It was weak and slow. "Fuck Tom hurry up" I screamed in desperation.

I turned around to see Tom slowly walking down the stairs while putting his shirt on.

"Tom, help me" I said frantically as he picked up his pace. He took one glance at Ashley before letting out a slight scoff.

"Leave her" he laughed before walking away.

I groaned in annoyance before calling out to Georg. He came out of his room straight away and got by my side, helping lift Ashley. We carried her into the garage. I opened my car door and slowly placed her into the back seat. I quickly got in the driver's seat and put the keys in. I pulled out of the garage speeding into the pitch-black skies. I drove as fast as I could and kept looking back as Ashley rolled around in the back seat. We made it to the hospital in a matter of minutes. I quickly got out my seat and ran to the back. I carefully grabbed Ashley out the car and held her in my arms. I ran through the big double doors of the hospital.

"Help... please someone help!"

Forbidden Love || Tom KaulitzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang