My only escape

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"Help... please someone help!"


Bills POV –

I sat at the end of Ashley's bed as she slept soundly. I was beyond grateful that she was now doing a lot better. Hearing the doctor say "We don't know if she's going to make it" broke me, but now being at the end of her bed watching as her chest rise and fall, made me realise how strong she is. I wondered if she knew the amount of heartache she would leave if she was to die. Not only would I be devastated but so would the boys. Although she puts on a tough face, she has the kindest soul and has really left a mark on our hearts. I wondered if she had thought about us before she chose to do what she did. Were we not worth staying for? I felt guilty for bringing her here, but what was I meant to do. Was I meant to just let her die and lose another person I care about? I know she resents us for letting this happen to her, but I do care for her. I want to help her not only leave but start a new life. Ashley was strong and beautiful, and I loved her for that. I didn't care to call Tom and keep him up to date. He walked away and didn't even try to help. It made me sick, the way he acted. I let my mind go blank, my thoughts were consuming me. I relaxed into the chair and watched as Ashely continued to sleep.


I leant my head back letting my eyes flutter shut. I was about to fall asleep before I heard heavy breathing and distress. I lifted my head back to see Ashley in a franticly thrashing around the bed and trying rip her oxygen tubes off.

"Hey, hey, hey" I said trying to calm her down as I got up from my chair.

She looked towards me with an angry stare as she stopped pulling and tugging. I hesitated for a minute before giving her a soft smile and gently grabbing her hands. Ashley shuffled around, causing me to let her free. She sat silently and looked up the roof. I gently stepped back before sitting back down.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly but she continued to ignore me. "Ashley are you okay?" I repeated.

She turned her head towards me, her eyes meeting mine. They were filled with anger and hatred. I tilted my confusion before she scoffed and looked away. The whole interaction was so odd. I sat and wondered why she could've been angry at me. I watched as she turned her head and stared out of the window with her arms folded.


I heard a knock at the door before Ashley turned her head. I looked behind me to see her doctor.

"Afternoon, it's amazing news to see you awake Ashley" he smiled as he made his way closer to the bed. "How are you feeling?" he added as he began to check her heart rate.

"Fine" she scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"That's good to hear. Your charts show that you're doing much better." the doctor said while reading through her papers. "We ended up having to pump your stomach, but you are recovering very well." he added.

I observed their interaction. The doctor turned to me then back to Ashley. "Sir can you please step out for a moment." he asked.

I nodded and got up from the chair. I opened the door and looked back to Ashley, she quickly turned her head from my gaze. I sighed and shut the door behind me and made my way to some chairs close to her room.

Ashley's POV –

"Due to your situation, I was obliged to speak with the hospitals psychiatrist, and after heavy observation she has requested that you see a therapist for the next few weeks after you have been discharged." I rolled me eyes at his words. Was he serious?

I remembered the last time I tried. I had only been with Chase for a couple months and I couldn't bring myself to try and leave so I thought I would try and take the easy way out, but it only resulted in me getting beat even more, for trying to leave.

"I didn't try to kill myself sir" I said sweetly, giving him a fake smile. "It was a complete accident" I added.

"The severe amounts of alcohol and narcotics in your system say otherwise Ashely" he replied looking pitiful towards me.

"I assure you it was an accident." I smiled innocently. He nodded and looked down.

"Make it your priority to try and go at least once after you leave." he said as he looked back up to me handing me a card with a therapist's number on it. "You can be discharged today, but I highly recommend staying at least another night".

"Today" I demanded with a smile.

"Okay then" he replied with a soft smile.

I smiled back and nodded at his response. I watched as he slowly left the room, making sure to talk to Bill on the way out. After speaking outside, both Bill and the doctor walked back into the room.

Bill stood at the end of my bed before speaking, "I think its best you stay a bit longer Ashley".

"No" I simply said, before they both left the room once again.

I laid back down, curling up in a ball. I was beyond angry. I was finally going to be set free. I wanted it to end so badly, yet I was here still breathing. I couldn't bring myself to look at Bill. Why couldn't he just leave me? He knows how bad it is and how much pain I'm in, but still made the choice to bring me here. I was about to experience freedom for the first time since moving here and he ruined it.


The nurse helped me out of the bed as I got to my feet. She guided me out the room and handed me over to Bill. I rolled my eyes in anger as he walked me to his car. He opened the door and helped me inside. I sat down with a wince of pain. My body was in lots of pain. He made his way into the driver's seat and started the car. We slowly glided through the streets, making our way home. He occasionally looked through the mirror to check on me.

"Ashley" Bill said softly.

"Mhm" I hummed back. 

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"No Bill" I snapped, slightly raising my voice. I watched as his sorry eyes looked at me through the mirror. "I don't want to be here, that was my only escape" I said as I started to feel the tears well up in my eyes.

"I had my chance, and you took it away from me" I snapped, my voice breaking. "Why did you do this Bill" I added before completely breaking down.

I tried to hush myself, but it was no use. I sobbed in the back of the car as Bill stayed silent. The only noises that were heard were my heavy cries and the car engine pumping. I pulled my legs up and buried my head in my knees. I sobbed until feeling the car come to a holt. I looked up and watched Bill get out the car before turning to me. He let out a sigh before turning around and walking away shaking his head. I put my head back into my knees and continued to cry by myself. Reality had finally set in. There's no way out of this hell. No matter how hard I try I will always end up back here. Tom has won.

I slowly got out the car, while wiping my eyes. I walked through the front door and made my way past the entrance. I looked over to the kitchen to see Georg, Gustav and Lauren having a good time. I looked away and turned my head to the stairs to see Tom and Katya hand in hand walking down towards me. He gazed at me with a surprised look before walking down faster. I picked up my pace and walked past the living room, turning down the hallway and making my way to the room I had first slept it. I kicked open the door before turning around and locking it behind me. I let out a sigh before collapsing on the bed. I scanned the empty room before pulling up the blanket, wrapping myself in it. I laid curled up in a ball, unknowingly letting a few more tears fall before I fell asleep.

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