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The pain soon came to over barring, and I slowly felt myself lose consciousness.


Ashley's POV -

My brain was awake, but my body was still not conscious. I was paralyse but I was aware of my surroundings. I felt my body being drenched in warm liquid. I tried to twitch my finger tips, but it was no use, I was stuck. My head was swarming with thoughts, I kept trying to push them away for now. I needed to figure out how to snap out of this first. My head still ached as I tried to force my eyes opened.

I finally managed to open my eyes soon gaining control over my body. I slowly sat up to be met with a puddle of vomit and blood all over me and it soaked in my clothes. I gaged in disgust and slowly picked myself up to go to the bathroom while my head still spun. I stumbled over the bodies on the floor and walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. I slowly undressed myself and tore back the bandage wrapped around my stomach revealing a new wound I had gained. The wound was deep and already looked infected.

"Shit" I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

I carefully stepped into the shower. The room still felt like it was spinning around me, so I sat on the shower floor. I put my head in my hands and started to cry. I didn't know why, maybe because of fear, shock or regret. I couldn't care less but it felt good to let out my emotions. My cries became harder, and I started struggling to breathe. I tried calming myself before trying to stand up. I put my hands Infront of me and tried to pick up self-up before I fell back down to my knees. I was too weak, and it killed me to feel this useless. I felt warm liquid slowly making its way up my throat and soon I threw up all over the shower floor. I gave up and sat back down watching the liquid slowly being drained.

"Fuck" I cried.

I soon finally built up the courage to get out the shower. I carefully made my way up the stairs and into Chases room. I rummaged through his dresser to find some clothes. I knew mine were still there, but I wanted to be comfy for now. I put on a large t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I chucked my hair into a bun and slowly walked out the room. Once I was down the stairs, I was met with the mess I had made. I ignored the bloody litter and went to the kitchen, kind of proud of what I had managed to do.

"Hmm what to eat" I questioned myself. I walked to the fridge pulling out an old box of pizza. I smiled to myself as I made my way to the kitchen bench.

I made myself comfy at the bench and ate the cold pizza. It didn't taste very good, almost like if you had vomited on a pizza and ate it days later. It felt good to finally eat something and it made my headache slowly fade away. I knew as soon as I felt right, I could leave and go get Melissa. Leave this place and get as far away as possible.

Toms POV –

I knew the boys wouldn't be up for my plan, but with or without them I would go through with it. I knew it was always busy at Chases house, so I knew I had to wait. Late hours of the night would be the best time. I soon stormed out room walking into the kitchen.

"Tonight" I said shooting a glare to Gustav and Georg. They both turned to each other then looked back at me. I shook my head with a bit of sass.

"Tom" Georg said looking disapprovingly. Before he could even finish his sentence, I stopped him.

"Fine. I'm going with or without you boys" I snarled at them.

I made my way back into my room and laid on the bed, angered on how I had changed. I let these men walk all over me. Take what is mine. Make my brother hurt and try to kill us all. I knew I couldn't allow this anymore. I needed to take my title back and live how I once did before. My thoughts were consuming me, so I decide to go out to blow of some steam. I walked down the stairs making eye contact with Bill, he shot me a disapproving look as I walked in the garage. I got in the car and soon pulled out, speeding off into the night. I sped past a crowd of people and saw hot chicks wearing revealing out fits that sent a wide grin across my face. I felt a bit distracted by all the women so I thought I could quickly make a stop. I came to a halt and turned the car around. I parked the car and slowly stepped out shooting one of the girls a cheeky grin. She immediately looked away then back at me and let out a sly giggle. She had deep blue eyes and long brown hair that almost touched her hips. I grinned before walking up to her. I watched her hips glide from side to side as she made her way up to me.

"Haven't seen you around here gorgeous" I said confidently. Admiring her curves in her tight dress.

She giggled and looked away before making intense eye contact with me. "Yeah" she giggled some more "Just on vacation here".

I shot her a smile before getting closer and pulling her by her waist. "Tell me more" I whispered as I guided her threw the crowd back to my car. She giggled nervously as I held her tight. I opened the door for her as she got inside.

"So" she said nervously as she turned to me.

"How long are you staying?" I questioned her.

"Not too long, maybe about a week" she smiled.

"That's too bad" I grinned as it fell into a awkward silence. "Where did you come from?" I said breaking the silence.

"Small town in Germany" she giggled.

"Really?" I asked surprised. "Du bist verführerisch hinreißend" (You are seductively gorgeous) I continued not really believing her as she let out a loud laugh.

"Warum Danke" (Why thank you) she said while holding a hand to her chest.

"Wie heißen Sie?" (What's your name?) I questioned her, smiling.

"Kayta" she said with a smile as her eyes fluttered at mine. "Yours?" she continued.

"Tom" I grinned grabbing her face and slamming my lips on hers. I really didn't care about building a connection all I wanted was a good time. She slowly pulled away a bit shocked and went quiet. I roughly grabbed her thigh as she flinched giving me a look of fear.

"What" I snarled at her before I saw her hand slowly make her way up to the handle. She pulled at the handle trying to open the door. The look of terror in her face made me excited. I gave her thigh a tight squeeze before slamming my foot on the accelerator and sped away from the crowd.

"Where are we going?" she questioned. I heard the fear in her voice as I looked to her.

"Just back to mine" I said casually as she looked back down at her hands twirling the rings on her fingers.

We made it back to the house as I completely forgot about my plan. I dragged Kayta out the car by her wrist and pulled her up the stairs. She kept crying and screaming for help as I ignored her cries.

"Shut the fuck up before I kill you" I growled as I shoved her onto my bed.

"Please don't" she cried as I shot her a grin. I have been craving those cries of dread, but not from her.

I started into her red puffy eyes as I ripped of my shirt.


I caved next to her letting my body finally relax. She laid still crying softly as I grew more annoyed by the second. "You can leave now" I snarled at her before she started to shuffle around in the bed. I felt the weight of her body finally come off the bed. I soon heard her shuffle out the room and shut the door.

I was overly pleased with myself, but the thought of Ashley's broken frail body under me was all I could think about. It made me furious I didn't know why I just couldn't stop thinking about her. I was angry I got distracted by Kayta, but it felt good and let me finally relax but it wasn't the plan.

Forbidden Love || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now