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I just needed the right time.


Ashley's POV -

I just sat there, completely ignoring his request as I felt his eyes on me. He shot up and walked towards me. His tall body towered over me as I looked up staring straight into his dark brown eyes, a gross look of anger wondering through them.

He pulled me up roughly by my shoulders still holding eye contact. I felt lost in his eyes. They looked like they were holding something back. Tom was about to speak as we heard Bill yelling from downstairs.


Tom looked in direction of the door and rolled his eyes. Then looking straight back at me with his jaw clenched. His look told me I was going to get punished for not listening. I knew it but I wouldn't give into him that easily.

Tom's POV -

I ran downstairs to Bill as he pointed at the front door. I didn't care who was behind it, all I wanted to do was go back upstairs and kill Ashley. She thinks she can do whatever she pleases, but soon she will learn. I opened the door to see Lucy drunken and dirty.

"Tom!" she squealed as she pounced at me clinging onto my body. I grabbed her arms unwrapping them from around my stomach before pushing her away from me.

She took a step back confused before she pouted her lips and clung back onto me. I was glad when Lucy left that night of the race. Lucy really pissed me off she was so clingy and annoying, but I could use her as a reason to get my mind off Ashley. Lucy could distract me so I don't do anything I will regret but I wasn't sure if it was a very good idea.

"Get out of here" I said in an icy tone staring over at her. She slowly walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me once again.

"Please tommy don't make me leave, I've missed you" she slurred her words. I thought to myself for a bit. Maybe I could use her just one more time.

I grabbed her waist, and she giggled as I dragged her inside. Bill groaned loud enough to make me turn to him. He just gave me a disapproving look and shook his head. I gave him a huge grin before I felt myself being pulled up the stairs by Lucy. I didn't know where Lucy was this whole time but I kind of missed my little pet being around. I missed having someone who continued to worship me no matter what I did to her.

As we made it up the stairs, she turned to me and started kissing me. I was craving to feel another body on mine, so I kissed back roughly. We managed to walk while still attached to each other before I swung open the door to my room.

Ashley's POV -

I heard the door swing open and hit the wall behind it. I looked up to see Tom's lips connected to Lucy's. Why was he with her when he wanted me? Why was he still holding me here if he had her? I stood up and slowly walked towards the door. I wasn't going to stick around to see what happens next. Tom opened his eyes looking directly at me. He gave me a sly grin while ripping off his jacket, still kissing Lucy. His evil look left me unable to move. It was as if something had taken over my body.

I finally worked up the courage to move. I had made my way to the door before turning around to see them naked on top off each other. I slammed the door shut feeling a swarm of anger, but I had no idea why.

"Dumb slut" I mumbled as I stormed down the stairs. I don't know why I was so mad. I am grateful that it was her and not me, at least I think I am.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs and saw Gustav and Georg sitting on the couch while Bill and Melissa were in the kitchen chatting quietly. I glanced over to Melissa and Bill. Mel looked at me and gave me a quick smile before turning her attention back to Bill. I was confused, something seemed off. Usually, Melissa would come running towards me embracing me in a warm hug, but instead she completely blanked me. All I got was a pathetic smile. Maybe she was mad about the way I have been lately?

"Come Ashley!" I heard Gustav yell as Georg waved his hand signalling me over. I quickly shook my thoughts away before walking over to the boys. I sat myself on the couch far away from them because I didn't know what they were like or what they wanted.

"So, are you okay?" Gustav quickly said seeing how uncomfortable I was.

"Yes, so you guys aren't like... uhm... Tom". I asked hesitantly while awkwardly playing with the shirt I was wearing. I could tell they were stunned at my questioned.

"We're nothing but his puppy's that follow him around" Georg said clearly annoyed. I giggled and felt myself getting more comfortable. I could tell that they were good people, but why and how did they end up involved with Tom?

"How did you meet Tom?" I asked while relaxing my body. The boys both looked at each other and let out a loud sigh.

"" Georg started before being cut off by Gustav.

"So, the four of us moved from Germany to start and empire here. We met Tom and Bill when we were really young and their moth- "

"That's all we can say!" Georg sternly while giving Gustav a light punch on his arm.

"That's sweet" I replied while nodding my head with a smile even though all I wanted to do was demand to hear the rest. I needed to know more about Tom to understand him. Understand how his head worked. Understand how to get out of here alive.

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