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"This shit happens all the time Tom. I'm sick of having to seduce my way out of things. I really thought this time would be different" she snapped back at me low.


Ashley's POV –

We have finally made it home. I got out of the car, slamming the door in anger. I frantically walked through the house and straight into Bills room. This is the first time I have gone out of my way to speak to him since coming home from the hospital.

"Can I have a smoke?" I said in defeat while I stood in his doorway.

"Yeah" he said confused then reached for the pack on his bedside table.

I walked closer to his bed as he pulled one out and held it in my direction.

"Thanks" I snapped as a grabbed the cigarette before quickly walking away.

I walked outside and sat on some of the chairs. I sighed and began to look for a lighter. I searched around but couldn't find one. I huffed and then stood up making my way back inside. I walked into the empty kitchen and opened one of the drawers. I dug around then finally found a lighter. I lit the cigarette and causally walked back outside. I made myself comfy and puffed away. All of my problems started to disappear with each inhale. The night began to grow colder so I made my way back inside.

Toms POV –

I watched as Ashley silently walked into my room. She looked so good in the dress and the act she pulled the other night made me so much more attracted to her. I turned to Kayta who was asleep on my chest.

I woke her up before whispering in her ear. "Go sleep in Ashley's room tonight."

Without a sound she got up from the bed and left my room. Ashley stood in the corner of the room picking out something for bed. I stood up and walked behind her, grabbing her waist. I spun her around and watched her sweet face smile. I grinned at her before I moved one of my hands to the back of her head. I slowly pulled in for a kiss, my other hand making its way to her ass. She forced her lips onto mine. I felt her grin against my lips. I was frustrated with what happened tonight, but how could I resist her when she looked that good. I let go of her and she looked at me a little upset. She turned around and I gave her ass a hit. Ashley gasped and turned around, gently hitting my arm with a giggle. Without even thinking I hit her across the face. She quickly shut up and turned around and picked up some clothing. I watched as she walked past me and out of my room.

I made my way back to my bed and got underneath the covers. I stared at the ceiling in regret. Why did I just hit her? She did nothing wrong. I'm so used to putting girls in their place that it's become an instinct and I hate it. I hate that I did it to her. I wanted to change for her but I don't know if I can. I know she's different from the rest, she always has been and I want to treat her right but I need maintain my image.

I let my eyes shut and thought about Ashley. I want to know if she wants me as much as I want her. I need to find a way to make her prove it.

Ashley's POV –

I ran downstairs holding my face. It didn't hurt I was just completely taken off guard. Tom hadn't hit me for a long time, and I wasn't expecting it. I stomped down the hallway filled with anger. I really thought he was improving. I was disgusted for thinking he could change. I slammed my door shut and quickly changed into my pyjamas. I turned to my bed and noticed someone was lying wrapped up in the blanket. I walked closer, an ounce of fear running through my body before I noticed the blonde hair. It was Kayta. She moved her face from the pillow and looked up towards me.

"Out" I demanded pointing my finger at the door. She raised her head looking a bit confused.

"Tom told me to sleep in here" she said softy. I stepped closer to the bed.

"Get out of my bed" I said shaking my head, still pointing towards the door.

If Tom hadn't just hit me I would've sprinted up those stairs to be with him, but there was no way on earth I was doing that now. Kayta sighed and rolled out of the bed. I scoffed as she got closer to the door. She left the room, and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. This was my room. I don't know where she found the balls to come sleep in here. I flopped onto my bed and turned over, looking out the window. I sighed and closed my eyes.


I woke up to the traffic outside. I sighed and got out of bed. I ran my fingers through my hair then wrapped it up into a messy bun before leaving my room and heading to the kitchen. I made myself a hot coffee and sat at one of the barstools. I held the coffee cup in my hands, letting the warmth heat up my hands. I turned to my side and noticed Kayta on the couch slowly peeking her head up at me. I watched as she got up from the couch and sat next to me. We sat In silence as I sipped on my coffee before I finally spoke .

"Tom kick you out?" I asked as I turned towards her.

"No" she scoffed at me as she continued to look down at her hands.

I felt a little bad for her. She is clearly so delusional. I placed my cup of coffee on the bench then turned my body in her direction.

"Why aren't you in there then?" I asked sympathetically.

"Shut the fuck up" she snapped throwing her hands around.

I had clearly pressed her buttons.

"Tom only fucking uses you, he loves me!" she added.

I couldn't help but giggle at her outburst. It was only a matter of time before he would kill her off. I turned back to her furious face with a grin. Her anger began to grow as I shook my head and laughed to myself. She slammed her hands against the table and shot up. I turned back still laughing as she walked away. I sat enjoying my coffee in peace and quiet. I can't believe she really thinks Tom loves her. Tom wasn't capable of loving anyone.


I walked around the house aimlessly. I was sick of being in my room all alone. I noticed a small collection of books in the tv cabinet. I picked one up and made my way outside. I smiled as I sat on one of the outdoor couches. I hadn't read since I was in high school. I loved to read but had lost the passion once I got older. I sighed and opened the book.


I turned the page and noticed I was on chapter 11 already. I smiled and looked up to notice the sun was now setting. I widen my eyes in surprise. I had been out here for hours. I shut the book, giving myself a break. I turned to grab my water when I noticed Tom on the seat next to me. I jumped in fear as he sat staring at me.

"How long have you been there?" I asked startled.

"A long-time" he sighed.

"Oh" I said breaking eye contact taking a sip.

"You will be doing a deal tonight. He's a big spender, make sure to look your best and don't fuck up like last time" he said with a cold voice.

"Okay but Tom, you will not tell me how to do my job" I said gathering the book and glass in my hand.

"Don't fuck up" he demanded as I stood up.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked inside. I turned my head to see him sitting on the end of the chair a with one of his hands resting on his head. He seemed stressed but he shouldn't be, I'm good at my job.

I made my way upstairs to grab new clothes. I walked into Toms room and picked out my favourite dress. I walked back out and went downstairs. I made my way to the bathroom and did my makeup. I quickly slipped on the dress before walking. I made sure I looked and felt my absolute best. I strutted into the garage to see Tom and Kayta sitting in the car. I walked up slowly in confusion. I sat in the backseat and looked at the back of their heads. Kayta turned back with a look of fear on her face. I turned to Tom whose face slowly met mine with an evil grin.

Forbidden Love || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now