Bad intentions

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It was clear to see.


Ashley's POV -

His touch sent shivers down my spine. I wanted to kiss him. But I wouldn't, I couldn't let myself fall for him. His hand were so gentle cupping my cheek. I felt a sense of warmth from him. He flicked his tongue around on his lip ring giving me a cheeky grin. Which made me twitch a smile. He just stood holding eye contact stroking my face with his thumb. I couldn't help myself his face was just drawing me in. I couldn't resist his deep brown eyes staring back into mine.

I leant towards him and left a soft kiss his on his lips. I instantly regretted it. How could I be so stupid? I pulled away to be met with his surprised gaze on his face. I smiled awkwardly and pushed his hand off my face as he tried to lean in again. My movement caused him to step back in confusion. I quickly scurried out the door holding the towel tight around me.

Toms POV –

Her lips were so gentle, I needed more of her. Watching her run out pissed me off. Why did she think she could do whatever she wants? She knew what I wanted and but still decided to leave. Ashley's needs to realise she's nothing. Nothing without me. I won't let her take advantage of me anymore. Ashley isn't like the other girls i've been with, they all sit there and obey me. Let me do whatever I want to them and they still adored me and begged for me.

But Ashley. No Ashley's different. She thinks she's so much better than everyone. Thinks she's so smart but actually dosent know the extent I can go to. She should be scared. No matter what I have to do. I will do it until she realises who I am and what i can do. Ashley's nothing but a new shiny toy I want to play with until I find a new one. She's worth nothing to me. I've kept her safe here. I should just throw her out and leave her to see she has nothing left. Then she will come back running to me. Now that Chase is dead she has nothing else to go back to. Nothing worth living for.


Since our kiss she's been avoiding me, leaving the room as soon as I walked in. She was acting so childish it made me angry.


I went upstairs to find her. I swung open my bedroom door to see her sound asleep in my bed. Vulnerable and curled up into a ball. Wearing one of my shirts. I grinned to myself as I started to get closer to the bed. My intentions taking control over my body.

Ashely POV –

I heard the door open as I was just waking up but still out of it. I just laid there in silence not moving a limb. I was so frustrated with myself. I heard Tom chuckle low to himself which sent shivers down my spine. I felt him get onto the bed as I still stayed still. Hopefully he would just leave me alone if I was 'asleep'.

He was moving around a lot as. I soon felt his cold hand manoeuvre under me as he turned me onto my back, and he was hovering over. I didn't dare to let him know I was awake, so I kept my eyes shut and stayed limp. I felt his cold hands grab my waist and slowly go up. I flinched at the feeling.

"Tom?" I pretended to wake up, rubbing my eyes. He just grinned down at me before putting his hand of my mouth. His eyes were dark and it terrified me.

"Tom get off me! Tom what the fuck" I muffled due to his hand being over my mouth. While frantically kicking around in fear out what was happening.

His grin just grew bigger as i struggled trying to wriggle out of his grip. His grip getting tighter and tighter. He slowly started unbuckling his belt with one hand as tears started welling up in my eyes as I became overcome with realisation. Was I really about to lose my virginity to Tom Kaulitz? Horrible thoughts scattered my mind while tears were streaming down my face.

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