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I pulled back grinning, knowing everything was going to plan. I then leant back closer to him, letting out lips collide.


Ashley's POV -

We made our way up the stairs our lips still attached. He kicked his bedroom door open, and we glided inside, not letting go of each other. He pushed me down onto the bed as he ripped his shirt off. I almost gagged in disgust, but I held it in.

"I can't believe this is finally happening Ash" he smirked against my neck. I ignored his comment. I wanted to scream and hit him, but I couldn't. I needed this plan to work. It was my only way out.


I laid on the bed in disgust. Wanting to throw acid all over my body so his touch couldn't linger on me anymore. I turned over to see Chase fast asleep. I grinned to myself as I slowly rolled off the bed. There was no light, so I crawled around on my hands and knees searching for Chases pants. I heard his keys rattle when I touched his pants. I unclipped the keys hanging from his jeans and held the tight so they wouldn't clatter. I searched around the floor until I felt my clothes and quickly slid into them. I slowly opened the door looking back and shooting a grin at Chases sleeping body before I glided out the doorway not making a sound. I creped slowly down the hallway.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Raf and a few other boys down at the kitchen table before I ducked behind the railing of the stairs in complete fear of being caught. I got back down and crawled down the hallway making my way to the room where we kept all the guns. I got up on my feet and got the correct key and slid it in the lock. I unlocked the door and opened it quietly. I turned on the light to see an old mattress with a distressed frail women chained up. She was all skin and bone, with black hair. Her muffled cries were falling through the fabric she had over her mouth. I gasped in shock as I quickly put my hand over my mouth and stepped back in dread. She started to moan in pain as she noticed me. Throwing her herself towards me but the chains around her wrists and ankles holding her back. I quickly shut the door in fear and locked it. I took a deep breath and started to turn around as I heard the women banging on the wall, which made echoes of noise flow through the house. Fear rapidly started coursing through my body as I thought that the boys may come up here to stop the noise and then eventually find me.

"Fuck" I whispered as I ran into the room opposite to the door that, had the poor woman inside. I saw Raf and the boys run up the stairs as I peeked through the crack in the door. They had their own keys and opened the door.

"Fuck up you dumb slut" Raf screamed as they stomped in. One of the men kicked the frail women in her side as she winced in pain. She started to nod and try and signal the boys that I was there.

My eyes widened as I pushed myself further back into the room. They all started laughing as I quivered in fear. They all ignored her calls and signals. All of them took a turn in beating her around. I shut my eyes as I heard the hits of the men and the cries of the women. I really underestimated these boys. They were never as bad as this before.

Bills POV –

"What happened Bill?" Tom questioned me. I still ignored him, he'd been trying to get this out of me the entire day. "Bill!" he raised his voice looking annoyed.

"No Tom" I simply said trying to walk away. He grabbed my arm and turned me towards him.

"I know something happened Bill, you wouldn't just do that for no reason" he said sympathetically as he loosened his grip. "Tell me Bill" he added. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I gestured him to follow me into my room. He was my brother, I needed to tell him.


After telling him everything he was angry. This is exactly why I didn't want to tell him. I moaned in regret knowing this would start something. He left the room stomping out of anger I shook my head and slowly laid down.

Forbidden Love || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now