"I wasn't going to let them do anything Ashley"

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He rolled off me, so he was lying next to me.


Ashley's POV

The sun shined bright in my eyes as I slowly started to wake up. I fluttered my eyes open, trying to readjust to the lighting. I held my head and groaned. I had way too much to drink last night. I stretched and turned my head to the side to see Tom. I was startled for a slight moment before last night's events came flooding into mind. I grinned to myself and watched his vulnerable face as he slept peacefully, the blanket just covering his naked body. He was so attractive, but it didn't change the fact he could be such an asshole. I felt so disappointed in myself for finally giving in to him, but I felt weak, and I couldn't resist. That's not to say I didn't love it. I would go again right now if had the chance. My mind was spinning. He has put me through hell, but I can't help but think that he's the one I want.

I kicked off the blanket, rolled off the bed and stretched. I had only just realised I was still naked. I quickly ducked in embarrassment and grabbed Toms clothing from the floor. I quickly slid into his shirt and smiled. His soft, dark smell still lingered on the clothing. I held my waist and skipped towards the bathroom. I finished up, walked over to the sink, and washed my hands. I was off in my own thoughts when I felt someone come up behind me and grasp me from behind. I jumped and looked up in the mirror to see Tom grinning at me. He rested his head in the crevice of my neck and softly kissed it. I smiled at him through the mirror. I turned my head to the side as he lifted his head. I gave him a quick kiss before walking out the bathroom.

"Ashley, wait!" Tom said from inside the bathroom. I turned around and leant on the door frame.

"Yes?" I waited for a response while crossing my arms.

"Nice shirt" he grinned as he looked me up and down. I let out a small giggle and started to turn away when he started to speak again, "you're going to be doing another deal tonight, but I'm going to come with you this time".

I groaned in annoyance. I hated doing all his shit for him, but knowing he was coming with me made it somewhat better. I turned around and made my way to my dresser and started to go through my clothes. I heard footsteps behind me as I turned around. Tom handed me a dress. It was dark red, and I knew it looked familiar. I tilted my head in confusion as he started to speak.

"This" he said as he handed me the dress.

"Isn't this Katya's?" I said annoyed while observing the dress.

"Yeah so?" he snapped back at me.

"Well, I don't want to wear it" I snapped back at him as I shoved the dress into his chest.

"Put it on now" he demanded as he shoved it back to me. I rolled my eyes and started to make my way towards the door.

I opened the door slamming it behind me. I didn't want to wear this sluts dress. I stomped down the stairs and back into my room. Why would he want me to wear her dress? After last night he really wants me to wear something of hers. I fucking hated her.


I made my way out of my room and walked a few steps to the bathroom. I walked in, pulling all my things out to start doing my makeup. I finished quickly, only doing my signature look before I fixed my hair with some loose curls. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Tom and how I felt about him. Have I fallen for him? Was I really starting to see him differently? I sighed and looked at the dress next to me. I slowly undressed myself and slid on the dress, examining myself in the mirror. I was surprised, it looked amazing. I felt my confidence boost. I knew I looked way better than Katya did in this dress. I just hope Tom thinks so too.

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