Unspoken words

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I turned to Tom, and he slowly turned back with a grin on his face.


Tom stared at me for a moment before I broke eye contact and turned back to Katya.

"What is she doing here?" I said as I turned back to Tom. He let out a sly laugh and turned to Katya. He grabbed her chin roughly then turning back to me.

"You're going to teach her... teach her to be just as good as you are" he grinned at me while playing with his lip ring. I looked to Katya with my eyebrows furrowed, as if I was going to teach her.

"No, why does she need to learn" I snapped at him. He swung her head to the side and repositioned himself in his seat.

"In case something happens to you" he mumbled back emotionlessly.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. What was he planning? I looked to Katya who slowly turned back to me. She looked terrified, and she should be. There was no way Tom was going to keep her around after tonight. I gave her a dirty look then crossed my arms and looked out of the window. We slowly pulled out of the garage, all of us completely silent. I sat thinking to myself as we cruised through the streets. I knew I had to get rid of Katya. If I didn't Tom would kill me. Tom slammed on the break, interrupting my thoughts. I grabbed the bag and started to leave the car.

"This is her first time Ashley, make sure she's okay" Tom said before I slammed the door shut. He opened his car door and Katya got out the car.

"What" I snapped in annoyance. He looked back at Katya then handed me a gun. "No, I told you I don't need it" I added.

He grabbed my wrist softly and placed the gun in my hand. I was expecting him to kick off and shove it in my face. He held my hands that were wrapped around the gun, staring deeply into my eyes. 

"Just in case" he said with a slight not.

I felt as though he was trying to tell me something through his gentle actions. It was if he was saying 'here is a gun, use it'. Maybe he wanted me to kill her. I walked away not saying a word. I started to get closer to the alleyway before I stopped to wait for Katya who was slugging behind me. She slowly made her way towards me.

"Hurry up" I yelled in annoyance. I watched as Tom sped off. "Tom wants you to do it so here you go" I spat as I threw the bag into her chest. "Don't fuck this up."

"I don't know what do to" she said softly. I knew she was scared.

"Just walk over there, look to see if it's all there, swap the bags and walk away. It's not fucking rocket science Katya." I snapped at her as I shoved her in front of me, signalling to start walking. I stayed behind to watch everything unravel.

I watched in the shadows as Katya made it closer to the car. "Stop there" I whispered. Many dodgy men began to emerge from the darkness.

"Hello?" I heard Katya say softly. Not one of them spoke.

I walked up behind Katya and nudged her. "Do you have it or not?" I yelled before a tall man got out of the car in front of us. I pushed her forward. "Got get it" I snapped.

Katya began to hesitantly walk closer then handed over the bag. The man grinned as he exchanged. I groaned in anger. She didn't check the bag. Katya started to make her way back to me, the men behind her exchanging sly looks. I marched over to Katya, tearing the bag from her hands. It was empty.

"Fuck" I groaned dropping the bag and pushing her to the side.

I raised my gun and shot the men standing by the car, blood flying everywhere. Katya screamed and ran up to hide behind me. I turned around, grabbing her wrist once again and ran to hide behind one of the cars. I knew there were more of them, but I didn't know how many were pointing weapons them at me. I rose from behind the car, to see two men pointing their guns at me. I fired twice, shooting one after the other. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what could be next. I tried to listen out for any movement, but I couldn't hear over the sounds of Katya crying to herself.

"Be quiet!" I spat as I covered her mouth. She took a deep breath and nodded before I removed my hand from her mouth.

I tried to listen once again. I could only hear one pair of footsteps and they were coming from my right. I crawled across the floor to get a better look. The only man still standing was looking for us. I quietly rose my gun and shot him in the leg and again in the stomach. He dropped the floor, groaning in pain. I stood up slowly, checking every corner. He was the last one. I turned to Katya signalling for her to get up. I grabbed the bag before we sprinted out of the alleyway and down the street. 

"Are you fucking stupid!" I screamed in her face while shoving her. "Why didn't you check the fucking bag?" I added.

"I don't know" she said softly as tears streamed down her face. I raised my gun and held it against her temple.

"Fuck you're an idiot!" I yelled as I pressed the gun barrel against her temple.

"I'm sorry" she cried. I know she's never done this before but seriously, it's not that hard. "Please don't" she continued.

"Fuck!" I groaned as dropped my arm down to my side. "You'll be fucking explaining to Tom!" I yelled as I waved the gun in her face.

I sighed turning around and walking away. Katya slowly followed behind, the sounds of her weeping echoed through the street. I knew exactly what I was going to do. She was going to tell Tom what happened, he would beat the shit out of her and then I was going to kill her. I wanted to watch Tom rip her to pieces before I got rid of her. I know Tom won't mind, he had me anyways. I'm everything he's ever wanted.

We stood on the side of the road, waiting for Tom to arrive. I felt Katya's eyes on me and every time I caught her, she would look away. I could tell she was nervous from the way she was standing. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, she was biting on her cheek and tapping her heels on the floor. I scoffed at her then began to pace up and down the street. Once again Tom was taking his sweet time. I pushed my hair out of my face and leant on the wall of a building. I stared down the street waiting for Tom to finally come. I was excited to hear him yell at Katya.

"How long is he going to be?" Katya sighed as she turned around to face me.

"I don't know" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Does he usually take this long?" she questioned. I turned to her with anger.

"Stop talking and wait!" I snapped at her. "Turn around and sit!" I demanded as I pointed my finger at her.

Katya slowly turned around and sat on the curb. I mumbled to myself until I heard the revs. Finally, I thought to myself. I couldn't see his car just yet, but I knew it was his. I leant off the wall and walked closer to the road. I waited until Tom finally pulled up. I swung open the back door and threw the bag in and got inside. I couldn't help but giggle low to myself as Katya got in the car and threw the bag next to me. Tom watched as she did this and looked at me confused. I shot him a glare. He turned around to look at Katya who was staring out of the window, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Without saying anything, Tom began to drive off.

"Everything go, okay?" he said as he turned to Katya.

She simply turned her head to him and nodded softly. I watched as Tom looked up into the mirror. I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"Tell him!" I snapped. I stared at her waiting for a response, but all she did was stare out the window aimlessly.

"What happened?" Tom asked somewhat sympathetically. Katya just shook her head and kept quiet. I couldn't hold back anymore.

"She almost lost all your money" I finally spoke. "She was literally going to walk away with nothing" I added as his dark eyes stared at me through the mirror.

"That's okay" he simply said. My mouth dropped in complete shock. What the fuck? If I was ever to do that, he would kill me with no hesitation.

"What do you mean that's okay!" I yelled.

"It's okay it was her first time" Tom simply said.

"She went to leave with no money. Nothing Tom. If I ever did that what would happen to me" I screamed. "If it was me, I wouldn't live to see another day.But for her it's okay?" I said throwing my hands in the air.

I continued to stare at him through the mirror, observing his face. Once again, he looked as though he was telling me something. I held a tight grip on the gun. I knew exactly what he wants me to do.

Forbidden Love || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now