CHAPTER 42 : Persuasion

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Marrisa's P.O.V

My heart thumps fast against my rib cage and throughout my body, I was shock at Ricky's Agility.

It reminded me of what happen with that girl back at Tina's party who tried to dress me up for some slutty reason. I was scared of what He might do to me next.

From the looks of my situation I think I migjt have piss him off. I've never seen Ricky this mad before, a matter fact I've never ever seen him angry.

"I am not a monster." I told him adding more fuel to the already high flame. And I felt his grip got a little tighter.

"Yes you are. You are one fresh new monster added to the collections of monsters " he stated,

"Who have you tell about this silly assumption of yours? " Ricky ask me

"You know if I wanted to hurt you I'd done it already, a matter a fact there were multiple times I could have but I didn't. we don't want any trouble Marissa, we are here to learn" he mention, and I felt his grip relax around my neck.

"Listen I don't wanna hurt you. Ricky mention "but if you keep this up I just might just slit your throat without caring. No matter how much you've grown on me " he mention and a part of me felt like I've been betrayed by someone I thought was a friend

" You don't need to worry about those pup- I mean humans they're back to normal, I've made sure of that myself, and what nasty stuff are you talking about? I'll have you know being entertained isn't nasty, it's sacred and is created for people who are deeply in love.

Besides I was Just doing them all a favour. All of them inside that room were teen couples, afraid to make the first move I just gave them a little push. "

"As for you. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, when they brought you too me, I was kinda in a hurry to have everything sorted out and you were being some what troublesome and I got angry and I did what I did, you can't blame me for you straying unto the wrong path" Ricky mention. And I felt his grip tighten

"Afterwards some friends of mine added you to the list of becoming one of our entertainers for the V.I.P section and there you met Ben, and he felt some what sorry for you. He took you underneath his wings and took you home with him " he adds and my heart sunk at the mention of Ben's name.

"What? " I ask
What Ricky is saying doesn't make any sense I don't remember-

"Oh I'm guessing you don't remember that part as yet but I'll fill you in from what I know of"

"You see , after Ben took you home he call me a few days. Biting my head off. Telling me he took you home to nurse you because you fainted. and blaa blaa blaa wasn't waking up bla bla, I was against it of course. But he took you in, nurse you until you felt better. After he was sure you were okay he left for some business with his father "

I felt his tight grip relaxing from my throat and soon he Remove his hand. And I spin around retreating a step back from where I once stood

"Oh and he also ask my brother and I to watch over you and babysit you while he was away. my brother and I even took shifts guarding your house that's why I know where you live the night I mention it in the car when I was driving you home. I knew you freaked out but I pretend not to notice" Ricky smirk and felt a small part of me wanting to run away. How stupid I am, thinking I could take him down by myself when I don't even know how to use or control my powers as yet.

"Sorry about that by the way the way. I bet you've been wandering why Tina haven't slice you up already. I had a little one on one talk with her. You can thank me later, you people have to start paying me for all my diligence. I hate to work this hard all the time " he pointed out , And I could tell he's now becoming calm.

The voice in my head tells me to yell at him again and threatening him about how I'd tell everyone what he did at the party. But I ignore that voice and stayed silent, All i wanna do is to get away from this psychopath.

Suddenly my mind thought about Ben. How he'd smile at me with his dimples, an an image pops in my head of that time we studied together and how innocent he looked eating his Cheetos, his playful smirk, and how majestic he looks without trying. How could anyone Soo beautiful be such a monster?

"Ben is also a Magic Wheeler?" I ask

"I don't know why don't you ask your little boyfriend. He's been sitting there for a while now" Ricky points in the dark as he licks some red liquid from his tall claws and I saw his pupil grew a little as they lit up with pleasure

"Mmmm you taste good" he mention, And immediately I felt my neck stings I touch it and realize Ricky had scratch me with his long nails and I was now bleeding a little.

"Well that was fun I give you two an 'A+' "

"Don't come any closer" I told them both as they stood there staring me down.

"Yes Rissa Ricky and I are magic wheelers and we aren't the only ones, you are one of us too, there are even more of us here blending in with the humans at School. We don't go walking around showing off our magic skills you know, because attending here we made an oath not to, that's why we wear these" he said pointing at the accessory he wore and Ricky swing his from side to side as he clip it back unto his wrist.

"Tell that to the people Ricky took for his puppets" I told him as I glare at the two monsters who were covered with human flesh.

"Our deal was to not use magic on the school ground, we didn't made an oath about what we'd do after we leave the school premises" he said understandingly giving me a small smile

"That being said I understand we shouldn't be abusing humans and we haven't. We only use it when it's important, like when a group of humans try jumping one of us while we're walking home alone, just like humans we wheelers die too. So we have to protect ourselves "

" You think we are monsters clearly you haven't seen what alot if us has been through only then would you think differently. That being said the humans will find out soon how you use you magic powers on poor Ashley" Ben adds and I felt uncomfortable as he walks around me in circles like predator surrounding it's prey

"You didn't say your oath like we did but when you do you'll have to say it alone Infront of the whole school, especially since you're the only new late bloomer and then everybody will see your face and what you look like and then you'd be in truly in danger." Ben explain as he stops walking around me now standing Infront of me.

How could he possible know about that. He wasn't even there, I thought all of that was Long forgotten. Nobody was talking about it anymore so I figure that was old news but I guess not. I don't want anybody finding out about me, what if I become the target of the school, especially those who have already have magic, they'd pick on me knowing I haven't Master my ability as yet and then it will be worse than middle school for me. I should deny this claim and pretend like I have no clue maybe he's bluffing to see how I'd react.

"I don't know what your talking about?"I deny

"Oh come on Rissa the rumors been flying around school like wild bird, everybody knows, it's only a matter of time. Luckily you have us your new wheelers friend and we could help if you promise to not utter a word about what you saw at Tina's party to anyone. We could be sent back to our homes and my dad might get disappointed and all and he's never nice when that happens " Ben explains as he frown mentioning his father .

"All you have to do is say yes." He persuade

"oh and you still have to help me study I'm really desperate" he grin "My Dad will also kill me if I don't get my grades up."

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