CHAPTER 56: Puny Sheild

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Marrisa's p.O.V

"I wouldn't expect somebody like you to understand what's it like being inlove, you were a coward who ran away when he realizes his girlfriend was pregnant because you weren't strong or man  enough to stand up for what you love" I told my father. I was angry at him.

"And I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand what it means to have somebody who adores you Soo much that they would never give up on you. Your own boyfriend ran away when you gave him the most beautiful blessing. A real man will never runs away from his responsibility. " I argued. I was angry at them both

"And not to mention how you both left me at some random door-way not knowing if I would ever survive. you both  weren't even  there when I needed someone's shoulder to cry on so don't you dare play a parent's role now."


"I love Ben, and I will not let you bring any harm to him, it was him who took care of me when I got my foot stuck in the mud repeatedly "

I heard my mom burst into an ugly laughter before saying

"My my what an ungrateful brat you are."

"Well if we can't get out so can't you " my mom stated as they both Started attack Mike and I, I could tell from they're attack that they were still weak but we're still strong enough to put up a good fight against Mike and I... We took off our desembler and started fighting. I was against my Mom and Mike was up against my dad.

As my mom pins me to the ground and look down at me with those black eyes of hers and growl like a wild beast I knew this lady I was fighting is not my Mother,

"I'm sorry Marrissa from the very first moment I saw them I knew they weren't your parents but I had to remain silent if I which to stay. like Ben you would have push me behind and left me out of this like you did to Ben, this is something you had to learn for yourself or you'd regret not doing it for the rest of your life if you had not learn your lesson " Mike mention while he still fought with the man I thought was my father.

Oh Ben I'm sorry I've ever doubted you

I had now pin the woman who I thought was my Mom against the ground trying my best to choke her as I now clench my hand around her throat tightly. She uses her sharp pointed nails to claw at my now clenching hand and I kept squeezing ingnoring the sharp pain that her claws made.

Mike on the other hand body slam the man I thought was my father to the ground, Mike lift his body from the brown light colour soil  and then repeatedly kept slamming his head against the hard dead forest floor.

looking at Mike he didn't look like the Mike I knew, in My eyes he looked like a wild Angry white bear that had instincts  to kill, I saw blue veins appeared on his arm and his eyes turning to a shade of bright baby blue as they glowed like a glowing blue orb with His long fangs sticking out as he focuses on his prey.

I looked at the woman I thought was my mother and I saw her eyes slowly closing and her furious clawing now cease and I relax my grip as I saw her losing consciousness.

I heard something snap loudly and I look over to where the snapping sound came from to see Mike giving the guy I thought was my father one last slam to the ground and then pulling what seems to be a cloth from the now dead man's pocket wiping his hands clean and then  throwing  it back at his lifeless body.

He looks me in the eye before he looks at the unconscious woman behind me, "I can still hear her heart beating" he told me as he slowly slips back to his original form.

"I can't kill her, she wears the flesh of my dead mother" I told Mike with tears threatening to escape my eyes.

"Here let me" he said before he flick his hand and I heard amother loud snap like I heard before. He sigh and then sat next to me.

"It's okay Marrisa, you don't need to feel sad, stuff like this happens all the time. And you're totally not stupid for doing this"he adds

Looking at him And wiping the tears from my eyes I raise an eyebrow at him

" I Never once thought I was stupid for doing all this , A matter a fact I'm glad I did because now I know the truth"

"Oh you never thought it was stupid? Well I did. But don't worry the good thing is that you learn from your mistakes so assuming you learnt from this little mistake of yours you won't do it again"

"Also, who would have thought this raising your parents thing would actually work, nobody actually succeeded in doing so that's why Benjamin was so strict on the fact that  these weren't your parents Because he knew from the first time he met them.  I on the underhand needed more proof to see if they were indeed your real parents"  Mike  adds

I groan and cover my face laying flat on the dead soil that seems to fertilize the trees because they were very tall and very green as if the soil appears dead but isn't

"I don't know if Ben will ever forgive me" I mention looking up at the trees

"He will and from what you told your parents you really do seem to love him. And I believe since you both disgustingly love each other, one silly argument has done no harm to your love for each other" Mike said looking down at me with his baby blue eyes. I couldn't believe Mike Hallow is sitting here giving me love advice and for Benjamin at that.

" Don't get me wrong I can't stand the guy, but if you love him I can try, no promises though. But I can try to like him too. Above all this I'm just glad you're in one piece, I believe he would have really killed me if something were to happen to you, did you see that look he gave me ?" Mike ask looking at me weirdly And I laughed at the boy I once had I huge crush at realizing all that has now wash away and the only thing that remains is a friendly bond

"By the way I hate talking to you about lovey dovey stuff that's Julia's job " Mike adds and I giggled

"What are we going to do with these " Mike ask as I look at the two dead bodies that started to appear plae. I looked at them for what felt like minutes before I told Mike I knew exactly what to do.

Since their body is already dead I knew that their spirit were somewhere lurking in the forest, so to keep the forest at peace as it once was before we came, I needed to put it back.

knowing that this sheild was created by my people to protect their buried ground from harm, I knew I need to put these corrupt spirit back into the shrine where they belong  and then destroy the shrine once again.

Informing Mike about my plan he agreed to help. It took us a good 30 minutes to finish, when we were done we exit the forest holding each other up arms in arms for we were now drain from fighting, putting the once alive body underneath the ground and from destroying the shrine and putting back the corrupt spirit back where they both came from.

At the entrance of the forest stood Ricky, Derrick (the twins ) Ben and Jules. It seems as if they were trying to get inside the forest except for Ben who lean against his car arms fold. He looked irritated and angry, I could tell from the energy rolling off his body.

Rissa screams my name when she saw me and help me while the twins help Mike who didn't want to be touch  at first but accepted the help afterwards.

"Did I not  tell you to bring her back in one piece?" Ben question  Mike

"Oh and why didn't Mr. All-Mighty come to the rescue ? Oh oh I know it's because he couldn't seem to break the  puny little sheild. Such a Boomer welp at least I fought to bring her back in one piece than in many pieces " Mike Respond and they growl at each other before Ben came up to my side and help me.

"It's okay Julia I got it" he told her before lifting me up bride-style and place me in the front of his car.

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