CHAPTER 45: Mike's Tranining

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Marrisa's Pov.

Somebody's coming towards us, let's stop here" he mention before heading to the bathroom and back with a tissue which he tried using to wipe away the blood from my Lips  But I snatch it from his grip and wiped it myself


After what had happen with Ben, I've been ignoring him,  I even didn't showed up for one of our tutoring session and text him informing him I won't  be able to make it without any explanation over a text message, And he replied by saying a simple 'okay' instead of driving to ends of the earth begging me and asking me why ?

Not only that but he as made him self pretty busy so that he won't have time to see me.

At least that's what I think

So I started not caring too, I was angry at him  for being Angry with me because I'm mad at him, And that's that.

"Hey" Mike greeted  pulling me back to reality,

"Hey, it's been a while" I heard him say before a conversation between us started, just then my eye drift over to Ben who Glared at Mike who didn't notice because his back was turn . Ben was currently taking a short break from practice, as he came out for a water break, someone else quickly filled his spot.

I guess it's the same thing for Mike too, or  he wouldn't be here talking with me.

"You should come over, I still have a few skills I'd like for you to learn and I have something important to talk to you about" Mike added looking down at me

"Really? What's  soo important that you're finally inviting me over?". I ask playful

"Well doesn't that makes you some what special then ?" He ask smiling with those pearly white teeth,

"my parents are hardly home but they're back from the Winter lands, surely if they're home when you're there they'll be trill to have you, besides they'll probably be happy to know I finally brought an actual person home with me" Mike jokes and I smile

"Mike  get your square ass back here right  now" the coach yell

"Yessir" Mike answered saluting the coach and I  giggle. A little too hard because now  Ben is currently walking up to where I sat, when he did he sat down beside me, and I moved further away from him, he kept coming closer and I kept gliding away from him.

I felt  his hand on my tigh and then I heard his voice warns "stop doing that" he told me as he pulled me closer to him. All my muscles were telling me to obey and listen even my heart join in too. But my brain won't have it.

"No. You don't get to tell me what to do" I told him pouting. He looks at me curiously before looking me in the eye,

"Fine. I'm sorry for eating you're special cheese cake, I'll buy you another he told me" shrugging and smiling innocently at me

"That's not it. What you ate my cheese cake ?"

"I told Derrick not to but he insist on  taking tiny slices, and it  so happen that I have also digested some of those tiny slices " he told me

"Why is it everytime, when I think you like me I feel like you don't?" I ask as he open his mouth to respond the coach blew his whistle which signal for Ben to start playing again.

He gave me an apologetical look before running off to his game


I was standing Infront of this big luxurious white house. Everything looks Soo clean and Soo organized, I felt like I was the only thing here that is out - of - place , pressing the door bell button I stood there lightly swinging my body from side to side

"So this is where Mike lives"I thought. as I turn my head to look at the neatly spread grey bricks that form the pathway that leads to the entrance of the  house doorway and  to the exit gate.

The door Infront me swings open and a lady who seems to be in her late fifty's stood there with sweet kind eyes looking at me. She greets me telling me that I must be Abner's friend, she told me that this Abner  mention that I was coming.

I looked at her confusingly before correcting the elderly lady who still stood Infront of me " I think you mean Mike"

"Oh goodness I forget Soo easily. I'v been calling him Abner since he was but a child that I guess the name seems to grow on me " she told me as she  laugh and invited me in. She then told me where I could find him.

"Oh do you mind giving him these cookies for me, he gets really cranky when he haven't had his cookie " she told me and I couldn't help but giggle picturing Mike being cranky . As I open the door I saw Mike  casually sitting down minding his business

When he saw me he sat up straight and cross his arms "you surely took your jolly time"

"Oh I'm So sorry mr. Abner I got lost searching for Mike, but no need to get all cranky I bought you some cookies" I joke

"Gran Gran" he respond pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes your granny is the bestest granny in the world I like her, I can see the love in her eyes that she has for you, your one  lucky guy,  not everyone has somebody who cares for them as much as Gran Gran cares for you " I told him snatching one of the cookie,

"Yeah I suppose I am. Lucky"

"Anyways we should get started with training it'll be dark out soon" he continues and I nod in agreement

Mike or should I say Abner thought me how to control light and how to create Small tiny light balls how to expand it and how to make it small, as he teach he kept complimenting me on how good I was doing and how fast I've learn. Something that the twins hardly do.

"Give me your hand?" he ask and I did. He fold my hand into a fist and then place his hand over mine and covering mine fist. Compare to his hand my hand seems like a little thirteen year old hands,

"Now Close your eyes" he instructs and I did.

"Now feel the warmth of the light, running from the tips of your toes to your thighs, to your stomach throughout your heart, passing through your mind and flowing into your palms. Do you feel it ?" He ask

"Yes I feel it" I answered

"Now open your eyes"he commands and I did. My eyes met met Mike's black eye contact lens that fail to hide his baby blue eyes that kept flickering behind his black lens.

"You're doing it " I hear him say and my eyes went down to our hands that Mike held on to it lit up the whole room and everything around us seems bright with the white flash of light emitting from our hands, I feel all warm and safe here just by having Mike's hand over mine, I couldn't help but to wonder how I'd feel if his body -

No Marissa your a bad girl I argued

"You need to focus " I heard his voice interrupts

"Marrisa, remember I told I wanted to speak to you about something important. Not only I'm I going to inform you, I want to show you. what we're doing now is not just training it's a very enhancement powerful magic skill, I was going to show it to  you in a week or two  but since you've  clearly  master it in a day, I'm guessing we should proceed forward," he explains.

"I'm going to show you everything, you must relax your mind and control your thoughts, you must be at ease, you must focus or you'll get lost between worlds and also between times " he explains

"what do you mean?" I ask

"We are going back into time" he answered

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