CHAPTER 23 : The Twins'

14 4 0

Marissa POv

I woke up do the same routine I always do. The only difference is me here staring at the clothes I've received from those maids.
with a towel wrap Around my damped skin. I looked at each of them and smiled in Appreciation.

I then brush my hair, got ready and went downstairs and pour the little bit of milk that was left inside the fridge into a cup, and Then throw the empty milk bottle into the bin.

Within minutes I was at school switching books from my bag to my locker and from my locker to my bag...

"Hey uhm Marissa right? " I heard a voice asked

"Mhmm" I replied busy stuffing books inside my locker

"I don't think we've met before, I'm Derrick" the person adds. finally finish with inserting the last book inside my locker I look up and my eyes met a pair of brown eyes staring down at me his lips was in straight flat line but when I stared at him confusingly it turn into a sly smirk.

Which made me very uncomfortable.

" Uhm no I.. I don't think we've met before I told him" as a clench my books closer to my chest

"Really I could've sworn we were in the same class together or something" he told me as he brush his hair to the side..

" I don't think I'd ever forget I pretty face like yours" he said as his smirk grew bigger .

" Dude, you should've seen it it's epic, I'll come over last thing I need right now is you forgetting to bring it like you always do" another voice said

"wassup bro" the other unknown person greeted.. looking at them both I realize their identical

"ugh twins?" I thought to myself

As I stood there feeling like a tiny mice surrounded by two hungry cats they both stare at me as if they were thinking the exact saMe thing..

"Ricky this is Marissa " The guy who claims to be Derrick introduces me as if we were now friends

" Oh hey Marissa" the guy who's name is Ricky greeted with excitement...

" You have very green eyes " Ricky added as they both stood there staring me " very unique they are" he continues to say...

"Y-yeah, thank you? I guess" I respond

" You do know Mi- " Derrick said before I heard Jules voice screaming my name and I waved to her and briskly walk in her direction

"Finally you're here" she said "looking behind me she ask "what was that all about?"

"Just some weirdos" I replied pulling her to our first class....

" What do you mean some weirdos that was Derrick and Ricky two of the most popular guys in school. You do know Kyley has a crush on Derrick right?" Jules blubber

"I know, I promise I have no likes for them, they just appeared out of thin air and thought it was fun or some type of mockery to talk with one of the weakling at EverMoreHigh, they probably thought I would faint or Gasp at the sight of them pssh" I exaggerate

Jules chuckle a little before saying" Maybe"
" sleep over at my place tonight?" Jules ask

"Mmmmmm let me see I'd have to check my busy sheldue" I told her I pause for a minute and act as if I was thinking. " Mmhhmm yep all free" I said as I gave her a small nudge on the shoulder and we chuckle and we went to class...


It was now lunch period and we all sat together... Gossiping about whatever comes to mind.

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