CHAPTER 15: Lost Memories

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Benjamin's p.o.v

After a few minutes of entering my room and updating Ricky about her current State, I went downstairs to speak with the cook about dinner and then went gaming in the gaming room. After a few more minutes of gaming I was updated from the maids that the clothes I bought for her has now arrive and that she will be finish with her bath within the next minute.

Thanking and dismissing them I turn the game off and went to the room she was in, Knocking the door before I enter, I stared at her scanning the clothes that she wore. She was wearing one of my shirt that reach her just at her mid- thigh and my underpants that must fit her like a very short shorts underneath my t-shirt. and honestly I think it looks better on her than me.

She slowly walk towards me while I stood there admiring my own clothes on her tiny frame. she looked me straight in the eye and grip me by my shirt pulling me downwards towards her, she then presses her soft lips on mine kissing me.

At first I was shocked by her action but I came to an acceptance and allowed her to . She ran her small cold hands underneath my shirt and I almost shiver to her touch.

We were interupted by a loud rumble sound which cause her to step backwards breaking our moment. She gazed up at me shocked and baffled.

" I'm sorry" she told me

" I don't know where that came from" she adds "I'm hungry" she continues to say as she smiles awkwardly

I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy our kiss just now.. A matter a fact I wanted it to go even further but right now she's still not fully recover and I don't want to do anything without her full conscience I want to have kisses with her when she's conscious from Ricky's hypnotized persuasion .I stared at her and remember that she didn't had anything to eat since she woke up she must be famish.

Nodding my head I told her to follow me. heading towards the kitchen with her following close behind... I couldn't help but think about our previous kiss, I kept thinking about how she made me feel everytime we were to kiss, it was different from any other kisses I have ever had, it felt somewhat real. I felt somewhat satisfied...

We were now in the kitchen, I pulled the chair out for her to sit on which she did and thanked me, sitting down a chair apart from her I looked at her while she fiddle with her index fingers. The maid then place our food infront of us with a glass full with drinks I thank her and she then bowed her head and exit out the kitchen leaving us here alone...

I watch her slowly putting food into her mouth at first, and then I watch her wolfing down All the food that remains on her plate after the second bite. she drank the cranberry juice inside the glass cup leaving just a little, and again continued to wolf down the last bit of food on her plate. She was soo busy wolfing down her food that she didn't realize she had made a mustache out of gravey.


"You know, I didn't get to ask you what your name is , and I didn't get to introduce myself earlier" I told her while I put some food into my mouth.

"I'll like to do that now" I added..she look at me for the very first time since we reach the kitchen and nod her head in response

"Do you wanna go first? " I asked her "it's always ladies before Gentlemen" I continued

Swallowing what she had in her mouth and sipping the last bit of cranberry juice she then respond saying "O-okay I'll go first. My name is Marissa but my friends call me Mar"

Smiling I told her my name is Benjamin, I told her that my friends called me Ben.

"Soo you're not going to tell me you're suriname. Risa?" I asked

THE BLACK DWELLER Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora