CHAPTER 21: Going Home

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Marissa POv.

"Ugh" I groan rubbing my template as I sat up. I sat like this for a few minutes before I turned in the direction of the blur figure I saw through the corner of my eye.

The person wore a black an white dress, she seem to be fixing the pillow which she is using her hands to puff out..

I Rub my eyes to see if I was hallucinating but the figure which now looks like a womanly figure still remains.

she stood there minding her business, this time I did not rub my eyes instead I pinch my skin to see if I was still dreaming. After I felt the painful sting on my hand I realize this wasn't a dream and that I am in a foreign room...

Multiple thoughts flood through me

"Did my wicked step mother dose me and sold me off?"
Oh my!! oh my!! she would do anything for money I thought

"No that's not it she wouldn't possible drug me right ?...

Maybe she drugs me took me to a foreign household and sell my insides. And that lady over there is the person who's going to inform me about the Heartbreaking news" I thought lifting my clothes up to see if I had any stitches

"Mmmm that's weird I don't feel any pain whatsoever.....

oh my God did they inject me with
amitriptyline" I panick

"Oh you're awake" the Lady dress in black and White said

Pinching the bridge of My nose I answering saying

" Sigh. I'm doom now am I ? My stepmother had finally decided to forsake me and now she sold me so she could finally live lavishly am I wrong?" I ask preparing my self mentally for the worse.

I heard her Chuckled and I whip my head sideways to look at her

"No Silly you weren't sold... not to us at least" she told me

" My Master brought you here seems like you were at a party and you pass out or something and he found you laying down unconscious and he brought you here since he has a very Good family doctor" she continues to say

Thinking about What she Said I got a brief flashback of what could cause this....I remember Tina's party and how I went there with Mike, eating..watching people partying wildly.. and entering in numerous room... I remember everything... expect that room which I saw Bright light coming out of, from there everything is just one big blur...

Mmmm that's weird somehow I felt like I did enter that room but I can't seem to remember anything maybe I got tipsy from drinking and thought I did enter that room, I thought

" I.. I don't know how that had happen" I told her now sitting with my legs fold

"Don't worry about it, My master don't seem to mind, he's very kind and helpful" she told me " he didn't mind taking care of you for the pass two days" she continues

Laughing I ask her what she's talking about

"Oh you've been unconscious for two days" she told me

"WHAT ????? TWO DAYSS!!!! oh my Gosh I have to go Home" I told her

" Jules must be worried sick , my phone... Have you seen my phone a black one with the button at the bottom" I ask her

" It's okay please calm down" she assured me " You can go home but first you need a bathe and something to eat, and No, unfortunately when my Master found you the only belonging you had was only the clothes you had on" she inform me

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