CHAPTER 32 : Introduction

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Benjamin POV.

I close my eyes and ran my hand through my hair letting the ice cold water beat down on my skin.

Maybe then will it somehow cool the burning sensation I felt in my heart.

" I will also become Acquaintances with Risa" I groan


My alarm clock goes off and I curseth underneath my breath and tossed it somewhere. I heard it shattered into pieces while I laid slothfully in bed satisfied, ignoring the broken sound of the now shattered clock...

I sigh and got comfortable once again, I could feel my eyes slowly drifting back into sweet slumber before my room door loudly burst open and the annoying sound of Jax came following in after...

"You do know schools starts at 9:00 right? It's now 7:30. Normally I'll let you sleep in. but, I don't like taking the Bus to school and if you sleep in, I'll be late. And then I'll miss out on class and thennnnn... I'll be a failure at school just like you" I heard the little Rat explains

I felt Anger coursing through my  pulse and I could tell my Aura radiating from my body shows it all without me having to speak.. I growl in annoyance.

"Uhm okayyy. Goodmorning to you too, I'm downstairs so please don't keep me waiting or I'll have to call Dad."  I heard the little imbecile say  before closing the door..

"JAXXXXXWELLLLLLLL!" I angrily yell.


I was now currently in English class listening to the  boring lecture the teacher had been teaching for the past 13 minutes.  I had no idea what she was talking about as I'd already miss out half of the previous classes, while I was away.

I tried my best to listen to what she had to say and not to get distracted...

I felt something rubbing against my leg. And I look down to where I felt it, and turn to the person next to me, I saw Tina biting her lips and rubbing her legs against mine.

I turn my head front wards to the front of the class and saw that the teacher's back is turn towards us. I then turn back to Tina who sat next to me.

I rub her legs for a few seconds before removing her legs from mine...she childishly sulk... and I ignore her and tried to pay attention to what the teacher was explaining....

A few more minutes of scribbling down notes and  finish the work that was assign to me....
The bell rang for the second subject of the day. Some Science subjects after recess


I lean against Ricky's Locker and listen to him blubbering all about how he had found me the perfect tutor.

"Mhhhmmmm" I answered.

"You don't believe me?" He ask

"I do, " I told him

"She's  a girl from school"  he said trying to limit the full detailed he had about my tutor...

"She has long brown hair and freakishly amazing green  eyes" he continues to say..

"No need to Hoot my own Horn but you must be proud of me." He stated smiling from ear to ear and  rubbing his nose 

"Hehe  Not only did I finish the task that you assigned to me, I've also find the perfect way to link you and Marissa together, soon my Job will be done and I'll go back to my normal life"

"She agreed to be my tutor huh?" I respond nonchalantly...but inside I could feel my heart flutter from the mention of her name.

"Ahem, so when are you going to introduce us" I ask Ricky

"Today at lunch" he told me before slamming his locker shut....

Derrick join us at his and Ricky's locker as we gradually change the conversation from Risa to our next tournament with the next school we'll be facing...

They told me that the couch Has been  very stern with training since lately because  the school we'll be facing has  never yet lost a match.

"I'm telling you the coach has lost his mind, one time he split us into two separate groups and had us face off with each other he threaten if one of us lost, our punishment will be severe. Chase  was the goalie at  post at that time" Derrick explain

"Yeah I remember" Ricky added " he made Chase the goalie and we all knew Chase is our very best goalie he came to practice  with his face all busted up saying he had a fight with his girlfriend. In that fragile human body he's in, I can tell that  swollen face must hurts like  hell"

"It was only because Chase  eyes got swollen that Alex was able to score that goal at the time. However coach wasn't haven't it, he  didn't give a rats-tail whether or not he was in a fight with his  pet cat or his pet dog or even his pet ants Larry" Derrick explains with sympathy

"Yeah he made the whole team jog around the field at least 30 times saying if one member mess up all members mess up and everybody on Chase's team had to run for it" Ricky told me

"Speaking about it makes me all sad Now I remember going to Chase's house to bring him his Assignment, that's when his mother invited me in and I went in and saw Chase laying in bed not being able to move with his now stiff legs, they weren't even able to stretch out...took him at least a good two week to recover" Derrick said touching his chest as if he felt Chase's pain

"Yea that's how we've all been training ever since. And that's not even the worse thing the coach has done that's the best one yet. the good has to suffer for the bad. Even though the training might just be a simple workout for us, we must be reminded of the fragility of the human spices". Ricky finishes.

Just then Risa pass by, she  waved energetically at Ricky, And they started talking to each other immediately as they reach in close talking range.

I heard him  mention to her the person she'd be tourtuing is me, Risa and I looked at each other for a few seconds before she took her eyes off me and Respond something back to Ricky before she walked up to me and Derrick  with Ricky by her side. As she now stood directly   infront of me.

Ricky did a quick introduction introducing us both to each other. I smiled at her and shook her hand telling her it was a pleasure to meet her acquaintance.

I could feel her soft cold hands against my warm ones.
And her naturally light pink lips smile back at me.

"Uhm Ricky told me you wanted to get your grades back up as soon as possible but I'm only free on Thursday To sundays, I was thinking that maybe I could swing by your place on Thursday and Friday and then depending on how fast of learner  you are, I'll decide what to do next" she informs me

I like the idea of her coming over to my place but I didn't want her  coming over just yet.

"Can't we study at a library or something. I don't think my house will an option for now" I told her.

"Uhm sure" just then the bell rang for class and we were both force to attend our next class.

"Uhm I didn't get to ask you your name" she timidly say

I smiled again ignoring the solid fact that she  didn't remember that she once  already had this conversation with me at dinner like a month ago.

"My name? Oh You can just call me Ben, it's short for Benjamin"

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