CHAPTER 24 : Sleep Over

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Marrisa's P.O.V

I felt her grab my ankle

"Wha- Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiitttt!" I scream. before I fell to the ground with a loud 'THWUCK!'..

I tilted my head upwards to see Jules grinning at me satisfyingly
"Now shall we?" She ask

And I swear the look in her eyes were Soo terrifying and evil. As if she's telling me with her eyes there is no other choice but to agree.

" Ye-yeah why not let's do this" I said hesitatingly.
Before sitting down so she could doll me up,

within minutes we were laughing and giggling...Jules told me I needed a new look so she grab her flatiron and straighten my curly hair, applied makeup to my face and did some other stuff I didn't know about.

I watch her carefully as she excitedly did. When she's Finish I sat there staring at my self in awwe how beautiful and different I looked... I look like an updated version of myself.

"Wow, Jules you really out did yourself" I said looking at myself in the mirror in awe..

" Now it's my turn". I told her as I sat her Down and did some stuff I'm not sure about with the make up and her lipsticks...

"There. All finish," I told her feeling proud with whatever work I've done.
Jules looked at her reflection in the mirror she seems as if she was holding back tears as she tried to assure me that I did my best but I needed more practice.

I stood behind her arms cross staring at her reflection in the mirror and Jules sat in the chair also staring at herself... the room grew silent.. but was later disturb by our historical laugh

"You're Soo horrible" Jules mention between laughter.

"Here lets take some selfie " I told her as I grab my phone off the nightstand and took some pictures.


"Okay okay what about Mike?" Jules ask. we were now gossiping about boys we'd date if we ever get the chance.

"I don't know Maybe... I guess" I shrug trying to hide my blush at the mention of his name..

"Ah-ha you are such a bad liar" Jules said pushing a slice of pineapple pizza inside her mouth.

"What!? Nooo! I'm not lying. I mean yeah maybe if I'd like have that one chance and he like, likes me. Then maybe, there's like a hundred percent possibility that I'd totally date him but, what If he only sees me as a friend, not more than friends. And I go ahead and try to make us more than friends. And he rejects me. That Will just make things awkward because things will never be the same after that and I'd hate myself if that were to happen" I explain

"Seeee" Jules stated

"See what?" I ask

"You do have a Crush on Mike Hallow" She told me

"Yeah. I know." I told her

"But if you Dear say a word as much as a tiny tip of detail to anyone I'll kill you" I warn

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