CHAPTER 35 : IF Only You Know

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Benjamin POV.

I smiled again ignoring the solid fact that she didn't remember she once already had this conversation with me at dinner like a month ago.

"My name? Oh You can just call me Ben, it's short for Benjamin"


After I examine my timetable I realize that I had Biology scince. I entered the science room that's now partially full with student.

I sat down at my usual seat, westwards where the windows in the classroom are. so that I could glance through the windows now and then whenever I were to get bored or need something to look at.

Within a few minutes I was surrounded by a few guys and girls who kept bugging me about variety of topic I had no Interest in. Most of them kept asking me about where I'd been for the last few weeks.

"I had some business to take care of in another state " I told them and they all became astonished with my answer, Reminding me how lucky I am. That I was born with a gold spoon in my mouth.

I'm use to people surrounding me all the time. their praises and up-lifting words never seem to impress me, all of them only speak to me because they think being closely familiarize with me brings them some kind of profit.

The girls would often laugh at my jokes even when they weren't funny and tried there very best to leech off me knowing they'd be well taken care of if they were to have my kids.

The guys would frequently invite me to parties. Majority of them would loose both their legs are other body part as long as their life is still intact, knowing that they'd be heavily rewarded, and could get fakes that look as close as their lost body part.

More than half of the friends I've met, Are only kind And warm-hearted towards me, because they hope to gain something. And it has been this way since forever. And in that forever time I've learnt a solution on how we all can benefit.

Since everyone want to get a piece of me to feed off.. to make their miserable life somewhat better, I've decided that they'd have to loose something in the process to gain.

For what good is a deal without a little profit.
We'd both get what we want in the end anyways.

I eyed the girl with curly afro hair who sat infront of me, she kept stealing glances at me when she thought I wasn't looking, turning my head in sync with hers I then smirk at her, she flinch and then twirl around in her chair trying hard to hide her blush.

"You are coming to my party right ?" Some unknown human dude ask giving me a party invitation..

"I don't think I can, I'm trying to enhance my grades since I'm this close to failing all my subjects, so I better start study for the exams" I told him making the gesture of a pinch.

"Yeah but here take it. In case you change your mind" he said forcing it inside my hand.. I was about to ask him a question but just then, Rissa walked in holding her books close to her bosom and sat at the extreme front of the class.

I wish I was those books that you cling unto. Those books you hold so close to your heart.

While I sat at the second to last row westwards at the window. Surrounded by all these buffoons who block my view from seeing Rissa perfectly.

Just then the teacher walked in and they all scurry along to their seats.

I couldn't help staring at her, her brown curly hair laid messily down her back.

As the teacher sat his stuff on his desk he started explaining to us about how today he will be placing us in groups of four to work on a group project.

"As you all know we've been learning about The Living System and how energy flow through each living system, we've been through at least three of these living system In our previous classes. I hope you understand what was thought in our previous classes because I won't be going over, and if for some instance you don't. I'll advise you to get help from a classmates before it's too late" Mr. Hobbling explains as he gave me a brief look

"So since there's a total of 28 student in this class, there's, let me see. There Will At least 7 groups consisting of 4 students each. All students in each group must participate, if not please have a word with me if one doesn't participate, Remember Exams are around the corner, make note that This test Will decide if you'll be able to graduate, repeat or if your able to take part in the finals next year....I only expect greatness from my fellow students, Greatness and only greatness" he continues to say

Mr. Hobbling turns his back to the class as he scribble on the bored what exactly he wants us to do.He later then calls out The name of all the persons he will be placing in groups of four and one by one they all switch seats and sat where they were assign.

Jacob, Lisa, Jason, Tim. You'll be group number 1, you're task is written on the board but I'll tell you what you'll be doing because I only expect the greatest from my student Mr. Hobbling stated as his eyes glimmer with hope.

"You'll be presenting on Food intake, digestion & absorption in animals"

" James, Tory, Alexa, Vincent, group number 2. You'll be presenting on teeth and there adaptations to aid digestion." Mr. Hobbling inform.

All this boring talk is making me a little sleepy. And the warm sun shining on my cold blooded skin doesn't seem to help either. I thought, yawning lazily.

Suddenly the flash of Jaxwell this morning flooded my thought and I felt as I was living in La-La world where you could sleep,eat and be happy and free all you want. And then the evil villain (Jaxwell) came along and stole everything. Now all good citizen of La-La land had to work 9-5 everyday where we work for minimum amount of money that would just vanish away like dead ashes floating in the wind.

I heard a loud growl thundering from my chest as I frown in Annoyance. And then Mr. Hobbling voice came bursting through my hears once again.

"Skyler, Benjamin, Mike, Marissa" he calls out and I turn my head in Rissa's direction.
"You'll be group number 7 you'll be presenting on Energy release through respiration"

Skyler , got up from her seat and sat down next to me as she smile sweetly at me and twirling her blonde hair on her fingers. Then Mike came and sat in the seat facing mines then Marissa follows after.

Rissa smiles as she sat down beside Mike. Mike was one of the new player who was trying out for the soccer team. And I had to admit he's pretty Good. He had Blonde-white hair and is well built.

"So how are we going to do this?" Mike ask

"I have no clue, what even is respiration" Skyler stupidly ask. I sighed and I heard Mike laugh.

"For now let's just go home and research it. And whenever we were to meet up again we can start from there." Rissa stated.

And we all decide that that's a good idea...

Skyler started flirting with me about whatever she was flirting with me about. I was way too distracted watching the sly fox Infront of me as he reach for Rissa's hair and took some thing from her hair and showed it to her. What really got my attention was how she blush and turn her head in the opposite direction as she tried to hide her blush with her hair.

"T-thanks" I heard her say as Mike gazed at her smiling and told her it was nothing.

I sat uncomfortable in my seat frowning as I fight back the impulse to switch seats with Mike.

"This will be your permanent seat until the presentation is over it will make up for 60% of your grade so everyone do there best to achieve greatness" Mr. Hobbling says as the bell rang for lunch afterwards.

Rissa if only you know.

THE BLACK DWELLER Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ