CHAPTER 36: I Like It Here

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Risa if only you knew. If only you knew how worried I am for your safety sakes. You seem so fragile as if you'd break under too much pressure. How I'd describe you in my eyes is like A sheep. You're a sheep Rissa. surrounded by big bad wolfs.

You don't know how scary life is. You're probably deceive and convince that all of us here are humans. And even if you were to find out that we're not all humans. It'll make me feel some what at ease to know that you at least have that knowledge.

And even If you were to find out. I still will watch over you. Even from the sides. I never want to see you laying in bed, Lifeless, uneasy, filled with pain and agony again. But you don't need to fear Rissa. Because you have me. At least for now. But this will cost you.


We were now in the cafeteria sitting down at our usual seats when Derrick sat down Infront of me with his food Infront of him. Ricky follow after. As they sat down they started stealing food from each other dishes. As if they weren't allowed to get what they wanted from the cafeteria.

Just then the others join in and we all sat talking about random things. Just then Tina came and shooed James who sat next to me over to the other empty seats.

she kept feeding me with strawberries telling me how good it is for my health. And wiping the corner of my mouth that didn't had anything on it with her napkin. I allowed her. Because it felt good to be spoiled.

"Hmmm I got to go" Ricky told us with food in his mouth. As he got up with his food and left to sit further away from our table.

"Where's that doof off to?" I ask Derrick who was getting ready to leave too.

"He's just going to sit with Marissa. Something about how she'd make a good exchange with him for his orange juice, guess she really likes orange juice" Derrick shrug before getting up.

"Marissa? Marissa Mocorty. You're telling me that Ricky will rather sit with that freak than with us" Ashley one of Tina's many minion added

"And where do you think your going? Lunch literally just started" Tina ask Derrick.

"To sit where the table isn't crowded." Derrick answered walking off in the direction Ricky also went.

"I'm so tired of trying to being nice to those jerks" Tina stated arms fold across her chest.

While I continue to pick my food using this plastic fork...

''Did something happen with you and the Twins ?" I ask Tina looking straight ahead where Ricky and Derrick disappeared to.

"Well you know how our parents are all close and all, I figured it would at least be nice to be on good terms again, just to not make things look awkward whenever our parents were to invite them over or throw a party or the other way around. '' she explains

"But everytime I try, it feels like I'm the only one trying. Can you help me" she ask clinging tightly unto my arms.

I untwine our hands gentle from her grasp and lean closer to her ears whispering
"Of course I can help. But it will cost ya, what is it that you're willing to lose to gain?" I mutter I couldn't help the smirk that crept up my lips.

She looked at me a little intimidated before smiling and pushing me away from her ears saying she'll figure another way to solve her problem.

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