CHAPTER 49: The Open Window

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Marrisa's P.O.V

Everything got blurry and I lost my balance  And  fell to the wooden floor. I could hear distant voices but they all sounded Soo strange to me.


I slowly squint open my eyes to find myself in an foreign room and I look around examing the weird looking stain walls  Infront of me, the walls is  light green  that now looks like a darker shade of green because of how dirty the wall had become.

Alot of marks and scratches are all over the wall, and brown tinted water marks that partially stain it  as if somebody was trying there Best to scrub it clean but fail.

The room stinks with the horrible smell of metal that is really soficating that makes it  little hard to breathe. I tried pulling my hand to cover my nose from the horrible stench but realized both my hands were pin to a wall in cuffs.These cuffs however stinks my wrist as if it were burning the flesh of my skin slowly and painfully.

It is Just as I fear. The cuffs are indeed burning my flesh because now I can see my blood dripping from my wrist.

And that's when the flashback hit me. And I started to panick, I tried using my magic to free myself but I could not. It felt as if I'm human again, i don't feel anything Magic rushing through me.

I yank my hand to see if somehow the chain's will shatter but they didn't, instead the cuffs dig into my wounded flesh even more....

"HELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPP !!!!SOMEBODY !!!HEEEELLLLPPPP!!!! MEEEEE!!!! PLEEEAASEEEEEE HEELLLLLLPPPP MEEEEE !!!!!HEEEEEEEEEELPP!!!!" I scream  at the top of my lungs I kept screaming like this for God knows how long and nobody came to my rescue, instead  Tina did, not to my rescue but to ensure I meet my demise. She swing  Open the iron door  and smile as her eyes met mine.

She use her fingers to lift my chin so that I'm staring into her eyes before she slap me real hard across my face.

"Why are you doing this, is this all because of what I did to Ashley? Well haven't you done the worst of the worst to me?" I ask

"Oh Marrisa this isn't about Ashley, this is a little personal. haven't your mommy taught you not to take things that's not yours Ben is mine, he only belongs to me, it's all your fault. He told me that I need to know My boundaries and not to cross the line. And ended things completely with me, he doesn't wanna play around with me anymore. I tried  to please him and give him everything, he still doesn't love me no matter how hard I try. " She informs me pulling at her hair

"But he wants to be with someone like you. Look at yourself Marissa you're nothing you can't even defend yourself. Soo clueless, And yet he falls inlove with a dog like you, I can't stand it I can't stand you. I simply can't stand your freakishly eyes, you're hair I can't stand hearing you speak, the thought of you walking around in one piece kills me, that's why I've always been picking a fight with you because you're useless. Like a cat playing with it's own food that how I played with you, but who would have taught the mice would turn into a dog and eat the cat. it ends here Marrisa I will torture you until you desire nothing but death and even then I would not grant you death, I'll leave you to suffer and Ben will finally be mine"

"Ben is not yours to keep, he can love anybody he wants to, you don't own him, He's a free being!" I proclaim  angrily.

She looked at me with her  physiopathic eyes before storming close to me looking down at me as I kneel on the cold floor with my hands pin above my head. She lift my chin up again before she muttered-

" Then I'll just beat it into you then, until you learn that Ben is indeed mine. If I can't have him a mutt like you will not have him either" she pull a whip from behind her back that I didn't realize she had, and then call Ashley in,

"Remove her clothes leaving only her bra, she needs to be taught a lesson, after I'm finsh you can have her " she order and Ashley gladly followed.

This went on for two weeks they'd often come four time's a week to whip me, and while she whip she kept reminding me that Ben is and will always be hers, and I'd rebel against her statement making everything worse for myself.

Ashley on the underhand she'll punish me by throwing water down my nostrils and when I thought that it'll be the end of me she'd some how rescue me and drown me again, she'd repeat this reminding me how it felt when I almost drown her until she gets bored and leave. But I didn't care, I didn't care at all because I will escape this place, I will not die here, and before I escape which I know I will. I will take them all down before I leave.

The third week arrived and it is Ashley time to torture me. Some how I didn't see the other minions of Tina so I'm guessing Tina and Ashley must be the only one who knows about their little shady business.

"Wakey wakey sleepyhead" Ashley greeted but I pretend to be dead, i knew how to hold my breath for an hour because of my frequent visit back in time under water, and I'm happy because it's finally have some use above water.

Ashley smack my head really hard before smacking it again and gain and squeeze my eyes shut, I later heard her press in some numbers on her phone before sobbing to Tina how her toy (Me ) had died, she then open the iron door before walking out and I lift my head to see the door partially open. I pull down on my wrist ignoring and biting down hard on my lip to stop myself from screaming in pain as I ignore the taste of blood that now filled my mouth.

The blood from my wrist that the cuff cause made it easier for my hands to slip through the cuffs I could feel my hands slipping out from the cuff's grip.

when my hands were finally free I lay down on my back on the Cold floor hissing as it stings the fresh wounds on my back, but I ignore it because more than anything It felt good to lay down.

After a few minutes from freeing myself I felt my magic rushing back throughout my body and I laid there breathing rapidly accepting it as I  close my eyes. After a few minutes of laying down I stood up and I felt my body not fully recovering all my powers as yet but I stood up and pull my body out the room.

Ashley was no where in sight so I took this as my chance to escape I walked up a few flight of stairs, ending up in an unknown room which is not the exit this kept happening for what felt like a few minutes.

Entering the Last room I prayed this would be the final Room that I had to search, for I was now feeling dizzy like I might faint anytime. Upon my entry  I saw a window it led right outside and a little across from it I saw a similar mirror from whence I came  from,

I Look down and saw I was on the second floor of this unknown building I had no choice but to jump. I had to survive. As I place my body through the window and motivation myself to jump. As I did I heard Tina Angrily yelling for me to stop,

But it was too late I already jump through the Open window

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