CHAPER 22: Thursday

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Marissa POV

"Here you can leave me here" I told the driver, getting out I thank him and he hooted  his horn and drove off as I stood there  watching as he drove off down the narrow lane

Grabbing my suitcase I walk home...I still didn't want anyone knowing Where I lived...Well not yet at least.

Within five minutes I was standing at my door step, I  tried opening the door But it seems to be  locked so I took up the key that was always underneath a rock and open the door then place it back where it once was..

Today is Thursday and it seem to be around 11 in the morning around these time my stepmother is probably off somewhere doing whatever she does soo I'll be home alone until 3

Closing the door I took off my shoes leaving my foot bare and I realize how dirty the wooden floor is.  turning my head in the direction where the kitchen is  I saw that there were dishes that piled up in the sink  that seem to be unclean, sighing I went upstairs to my room.

It was just as I left it bed still neatly spread, and my bag was right on the chair where I last  left it...
Pulling the suitcase I placed it on my bed and went downstairs to clean up.........
After washing dishes, wiping down the counters, and mopping both downstairs and upstairs. I  heard my stomach growled and I looked inside the fridge to see if any food is inside..

After looking at what little food  was  present  inside the fridge I finally decided to make an omelette using the lame ingredients I had, pretending that it was more than enough.
After my omelette was Finish preparing I filled the glass cup I had with water and sat down at the small table with three wooden chairs  around it and started eating...
As I did this  I heard the front door creak open and the annoying sound of my stepmother voice came in after.

"Yes yes I told you philly I'm going to pay you back in cash like you wanted" she said as her heels clank against the wooden floor making it's way to the direction where I'm seated ..

"Look I told you I'll pay you back by Monday I just need a little bit more time....yes I know what will happen if I don't pay...yes....yes... I know... You'll get it.... I promise....okay..."

"Dammit!" She Shouted her heels continue to clank against the floor until she was finally inside the kitchen

"Oh look who decided to come home, where have you been? You haven't been home for what four days? Where have you been ?" She ask me pretending like she cares

"You know I saw that little friend of yours what's her name Judi? She  been asking me for you... She even showed up here  yesterday..."

I didn't respond, I just sat there eating my lame meal... Thinking about What I should say. what lie should I tell?. I could say something like

oh I was out looking for a job so I could feed myself you know, stock the fridge.
But you don't have to worry my dear stepmother I'm not laying around sleeping around with men to get money... Because there are  other jobs like mopping the floor... Or I don't know working at a store.  Maybe if I beg maybe they'll pity me..
you should try it too Mommy.
You could even try dating the boss maybe you'll get the Job.
Everybody knows you're really good on your back.

But instead I sat there now drinking water, I could feel her staring at me without even lifting  my head up, I don't Even know where to start explaining to be honest, it feels like a chunk of My memory had  been erase and I just can't seem to Even remember anything at all about it..

" Look kid I'm trying to be a good parent here... Why is everything Soo hard"she said pinching the bridge of her nose.

" I don't give a Care where you've been or Where you haven't been , who you've been with or who you haven't been with, two rules
1) don't do anything stupid to get me in trouble
2) don't get pregnant until you're at least 18 and out  of  my house... Matter of fact just don't do anything until you're 18 when we send you off to college you could do whatever the hell you want" she complains as she walks pass me grabbing the bottle of tequila and drinking it from the bottle....

Why am I even hurt... you'd thought I'm use to all  this  by now but it hurts so much... it's like an open wound that had been stab repeatedly with a knife.

I got up from the table place the dish inside the sink and head to my room locking myself  inside.... I could feel  The warm tears that runs down my cold cheeks.. I started to hate myself even more... I felt curse... I felt hated by the world...

I laid on my bed  curl up in a ball  crying ever Soo hard until I was drossy, drossy enough to fall deeply asleep, at least there, I can forget about the real least there I can rest temporarily.


After I woke up from my sleep I showered and went to work around 5:00PM since today I'm sheldue to attend in the evening at my part time job... I knew Jules was going to be here and I knew she was going to have my neck for being absent from both school and work for days. I also knew she is very understanding and will not force me to say stuff that I don't want to say or talk about

"Marisa!!!" Jules  scream embracing me in a tight hug she then release me and then examine my body with her dark Brown eyes " I've been Soo worried we were at that party together and then pooff you just disappear and I just couldn't find you we look everywhere for you and you were nowhere to be found" Jules explain briefly

" I'm sorry I got you all worried I would have called But I can't seem to find my phone, everything is Soo jumbled right now I don't even know where to start" I told her

She gave me a sad smile as she reach and held my hands in hers.
" You could start at the part where you went off alone, I'd like to hear about it" she said gently..

" We should get to work first maybe on our  break we could talk Bout it" I told her as I made my way to the counter grabbing an apron and a note pad..

"Besides we got alot of customers waiting" I eyed her  as I made my way to my first table.

I know Julia still won't let this go, she'll ask me about  it again eventually no matter how long it takes for me to discuss it with her. she'll wait because she knows when I'm ready, I'll talk.
And that's one of the many things I love about her.

"Hello, welcome to Nitram's, what would you like to order ? " I ask the customers seated around the table

*** 30 minutes later ***

"so after I went, because I wanted to find the kitchen...which I failed to find and I enter into some random rooms and I remember this special room I did prolly enter because I was curious i guess... But then everything is just blank from there " I told Jules as we both Munch on a slice of black forest cake

" So after you went in that room you didn't remember anything?" She ask

"Mmhmm" I told her nodding while still eating.

" Nothing. Then the next thing I know I'm at this big fancy house with maids,  they were all super nice to me they took really good  care of me apparently their boss was kind enough, he saw me on the street side unconscious and decide to take care of me until I was well but everything is weird when I think about it and it makes my head hurts" I told Jules

" That's weird how the hell you end up on the street side ? I thought you said you were inside the house roaming though rooms"

"I was! I just don't remember anything, do you think it was that fruit punch? after all it did had alcohol added to it" I told Jules

" And what's even weirder is that  I've been unconscious for almost three days "

" Maybe you hit your head as you enter that room because of the alcohol added to the punch, and that's why you've been unconscious for days and the reason why you blocked out that would seem weird right"

"Very " I commented as we both fell silence Lost in our own thoughts... we then went back to work...until it was time to close up we did our closing duties and I said my good byes to Jules and Martin. Martin was kind enough to dropped me almost home exactly where I wanted

" Stay safe me"

" I don't have a phone anymore " I told her

" She made an "O" with her mouth before saying she forgot

"I'll just call you when I'm home on the house phone I told her"

" Yes please she said hugging me as I watch has she went back in the car and they drove away....

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