CHAPTER 28 : Home

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I walk back to the room I was staying and started packing my stuff..there wasn't much to pack cause  there's always a brand new set of clothes present waiting for me at every house I stayed for more than a week.

I leave some of my old clothes behind and pack some new ones from the closet.

After packing I showered and ate and went to bed. Knowing I had a long flight tomorrow.

Tomorrow *

I said my goodbye to Sarah and I watch as  her red lips form into a smile, I could tell she was finally happy that I got her  name correctly, she waved her hand as I enter into my father's private plane.

The flight lasted for 6 hours max. On my arrival at the airport, I stroll towards the exit trying to find someone who is suppose to take me home, normally A hired  driver would be waiting for me with my name on a sign held up high so I could see...

I pulled my suitcase through the crowd of people looking at every sign to see If anyone had my name. It didn't take long when my eyes landed on a sign saying:

'Benjamin. And beside it wrote if found please return our lost stray with a small picture of me wearing a underwear over my head sleeping.

"What when did I ever-you know what it's not even worth thinking about" I mumbled

People was starting to stare at the poster Jax was currently holding up and chuckling

"I'm sorry for your lost If I see this Benjamin of yours I'll be sure to send him your way" a small girl with ginger hair added as She walked pass Jax .

Furious I walked over

"Jax when I get my hands on you, you little knucklehead imbecile, I'm going to make sure this is payed for only in really reallly hard labour" I said annoyed pointing at Jax's face  as I approach him.

"Welcome back sir" the hired driver greeted, " this way. please the car is waiting here for you" he smiled and I Nod

"Come on you have to admit it was pretty hilarious" Jax  chuckled

"No it wasn't, do you have any idea how embarrassed and violated I feel right now?" I ask Jax as we walked towards the black sasuki car.

"That was the whole idea of creating it in the first place " Jax added casually

I lift my free hands and slap him behind the head

"OUCH" Jax blurted out rubbing his head

"Oh sorry  I wander how that got there. Could have sworn my hands were right here" I shrugged "by the way we have some training to do when we get home" I add.

We made a stop at a fast food restaurant and order some food before we head back home it didn't took us long before we were all home.

Upon my arrival my bag was taken to my room by one of the men who also worked as maid in the mansion.I thank him and went straight to the gaming room with Jax and plop down on the couch.

"So?" Jax question

"So?." I ask

"How was it. Did you learn any new tricks?" Jax ask

"Hmm a couple" I answer.

"Like?" He  continues to ask.

"You'll soon find out, Dad did say I should train you and make sure you didn't slack off on training since you leave like about three weeks before I did." I told  him

"Which means you'll have to spend less time in here jerking off and more time out there
Sweating off." I explain to Jax as I swipe through pictures on Twitter.

"I  have never done such filty things in here "

"Then in your room then? I should prolly ask one of the maid to check underneath your bed for hidden socks or something" I  told Jax as I smiled slyly at him

"Do as you wish, but you won't find anything  there" Jax  replied  annoyed

"Hmm maybe I should go check it right now" I told Jaxwell as I stand up readily to leave.

"Didn't you  agree with Father to train me?" Jax question

"Why not do it now, yeah let's go" Jax added as he pull me across the mansion in a room we kept  especially for training purpose.

"Wow so I guess you really do had something to hide huh?" I laugh

I got distracted for a few seconds laughing and didn't notice Jax harnessing dark energy ball in the palm of his hands.

By the time I had notice it was a little too late he blast it straight at my head, causing a strawn of my hair to lightly fall to the ground.  If it were a little inch closer  I would difinately got hit.

"What the heck. That was a bitch move!" I yell pointing at Jax as I stared at the new hole in the wall that add to the million of other decor of holes and scrapes that was present on the floor and walls.

"In a battle a bitch move could get you kill" Jax cockyly  added

"Well that's right a bitch move like what you just pulled could get me kill but a little girly aim like that could also get you kill too."

I flick my hand and a dark misty wind flip Jax off his feet causing him to drop face down on the dusty old floor.

"Rule number 1 : when your sparring against an opponent  make sure your aim is accurate and precisely as possible, with the right amount of force needed... not too much to kill your opponent and not to much to make them able to walk away...
Death is always sweeter with the right amount of torture."

Jax stood up wiping the blood from his nose. "Hmph I'm just getting started" he said as he created a black energy shield around him...

Laughing historical I told him "Yes that's what I love to see" smirking

Jax run towards me using a dark wind ability to fasten his movements he threw kicks and punches at me but I kept blocking it with my hands and legs....

"See these moves would have worked on a merely five year old kid" Within a second a mustered up a tiny energy in my hand and blast him away.

I Walk over towards Jaxwell as he triedd to stand up, I kneel down beside him "Jax you kick and punch Like a little girl "

"Urgh" jax Groan and I smile

"Seeeee you've been wasting time playing games and slacking off. Look at how weak you have gotten. From now on  you're only allowed to play games twice a week. And you'd spend more time here training in your free times" I told Jax

I cannot let father see how weak you've now gotten"  I  told him As I help him up "Come on buddy"

"I'll let you know, gaming isn't a waste of time it's calms and relax the soul of an individual" Jax angrily explain

"I'm going to have to fix this room up so that it'll be proper for training" I told Jax

"Dammit I don't think I'll be able to train with you as often  as I'd like I've been failing school I can't have that I need to get me a tutor as soon as Monday. "

"And you somebody to train with" I continue to say

"Yes and next time we spar I will not be this easily defeated."

"I'd  like to see that"

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