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hyunjin sighed as he finally reached the dorm room. his coat was soaking wet from the rain and he was still in the shorts of his football kit.

the light wasn't on but felix's shoes were neatly placed next to the door, per usual.

"lix?" he called out but only an echo came as reply.

he couldn't help his heart that instantly grew worried. 'is he asleep?' that would be likely, but he didn't even send him a text saying that he arrived home.

he took off his coat and hung it on the rack before speeding off to the bedroom. once he was approaching the door, his heart dropped. hyunjin could hear quite sniffles and heart wrenching sobs from the other side of the door.

"lix....are you— crying?" he opened the door which revealed the blonde boy with disheveled hair and red eyes. hugging his small body ever so tightly with his arms as he rocked back and forth on his bed in a manic manner. panic struck through his core as he approached the hyperventilating boy on the bed. hyunjin carefully sat next to his shaking body, hand slowly reaching out to place on his shoulder.

just what.....happened?

upon receiving no answer, he simply just wrapped his arms around felix. the boy instantly melted in his arms and allowed himself to sob louder into his shoulder. it caused hyunjin's heart to tremble with worry, he couldn't help but think the worst.

felix could feel his slightly wet and dirty football clothes hug against his body. usually if he was in the right headspace, he would've scolded him for getting into his bed— or even near him— with his sweaty clothes. but in that moment, felix didn't care. he held on tighter.

after some time passed, his uneven breaths solidified out. he hiccuped every few breaths he took as his face was now a mush of mess in hyunjin's shirt. the elder just kept silent, fingers gently threading through felix's hair to slowly soothe the pain in his heart. rather than to frustrate him with silly words of reassurance.

soon his quiet sobs turned into small sniffles. his puffy and swollen eyes departed from hyunjin's chest and felix sat up from the awkward yet comfortable position they found themselves in.
"are you okay, love?" a stupid question to ask yet felix could only dumbly nod, not trusting himself to muster up a proper answer and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"do you want to talk about what happened? did someone do something to you?" hyunjin carefully asked, both hands holding felix's face close to his. the freckled boy again didn't answer and instead let his head fall back into hyunjin's chest. he heard the elder sigh at the lack of verbosity and hugged him tighter.

his mind was clouded with all and nothing.


after a warm shower and some ramen made by hyunjin, felix idly ate his food with an ambiguous expression.

he picked at the vegetables in his bowl with his chopsticks, hand placed under his chin. hyunjin had already finished eating while felix was in the shower and was now washing the dishes.

felix could feel his eyes fight against the sore ache of the need to be closed, not to mention the migraine penetrating the side of his head.

with the motivation and will power to fall back into his bed for another sobbing session, he finished up his food and brought his bowl to the sink. hyunjin gave him a heart fluttering smile and gladly washed it for him.

"can you...can you hold me tonight?" he hoarsely said, eyes fundamentally full of desperation and uncertainty. how could hyunjin ever even think to refuse?

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