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once felix got back home, he couldn't stop thinking about what minho said.

"what happened when you weren't in school for months that one time during primary ?" that question lingered in his mind.

felix sat on his bed trying so hard to remember, but he just couldn't.

what happened? his head started to hurt again.

hyunjin wasn't in the dorm anymore and the room started to fade away. he felt an extreme wave of fatigue and dizziness take over his body and suddenly felt like he was spinning.

he tried to call out for someone, anyone, but nothing but a whimper left his throat. he didn't know what was happening and it terrified him .

he felt himself fall forward onto the floor, arms weakly trying to lift himself back up but collapsing.

he heard someone calling out for him and briefly saw a hand reach out to him before everyone suddenly went black.

what time was it?


just when hyunjin got back to his dorm, he placed the shopping away in their designated areas before washing the bowls he used earlier to eat his ramen in, because that was the only food he knew how to cook and eat.

he noticed felix's shoes placed neatly at the door and rolled his eyes, why was he back already?

once he was done he washed his hands and dried them before sitting back down on the sofa, ignoring the multiple messages from his friends and his dad, and instead went on youtube to watch random videos once again.

not long after, he heard something hit the floor in the bedroom. he paused the video and looked towards the bedroom door, wondering if he should go check it out or not.

"it's probably felix who dropped something..." he thought.

but what if it is felix? was the thought at the back of his head. hyunjin hated that he became slightly worried. he slowly got off the couch and walked towards the bedroom door.

why was his heart beating so fast? was he scared?

he opened the door anyways, and found felix collapsed on the floor. he felt his heart jumped out of his chest as he called his name and immediately reached down to lift him back up,

"felix? what the fuck are you doing on the floor?!" he yelled as he carefully wrapped his arms around his knees to lift him up bridal style to place him back up onto the bed.

"you stupid idiot wake up!" he lightly slapped the boy's face. then suddenly he got a bright idea,

hyunjin quickly rushed back to the kitchen and grabbed a cup and filled it with cold water, he went back to the bedroom and leaned over felix before throwing the cold water onto his face.

the poor boy jolted up in a sudden shock, looking up to hyunjin with scared wide eyes breathing heavily.

'at least it worked' hyunjin congratulated himself mentally.

"what the fuck is wrong with you? do you just pass out randomly?" he started questioning. felix look down at his wet clothes and his now wet duvet and bedsheet.

"y-you wet me!" he cried out.

"yeah? and i saved your life so be fucking thankful." hyunjin scoffed and walked back out of the room with the cup. felix frustratedly got up from his now wet bed, still struggling to know what caused him to faint. he was frustrated and sad and all he wanted to do now was go back home.

he wanted to call his mum but his phone was close to dead.

what time was it again?


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