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hyunjin ended up in the bathroom. he entered a stall and slid down against the manky bathroom walls. he felt a panic attack slowly start to kick in.

he cried as he hugged his knees, shaking as he tried to calm himself down by counting to 10 over and over again. his mind felt like it was an endless bullet train of negativity.

he quietly cried and cried and cried until he jumped at the knock on the door of the cubical he was in.
"hyunjin? is that you?" he merely recognised the voice as the boy from earlier. he shuddered another sob before weakly answering a "yeah?" after some minutes.

"are you okay? i wanted to uh— to check on you because i noticed that you were very uncomfortable earlier.." his sweet voice asked.

"yeah im- i'm good don't worry. just— taking a shit." he oddly said, stifling a laugh out of jeongin.

"whatever you say i guess, fuck i'm late for p.e now. cya!" he heard the boy yell as he heard the footsteps fade away out of the bathroom.

hyunjin quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeve. he left the stall and washed his face at the sink. he was grateful the bathroom was empty at this time as it was 3rd period.

"fucking get it together hyunjin."


felix lost count of how many times he had been hit by the ball. they were playing dodgeball and almost everyone was targeting him.

he wailed as he threw a ball in a random direction, ending up hitting chan in the back of the head and the other time he tried to hit someone it ended up being the new kid who came in late.

"fuck! i'm sorry—" he rushed to the boy who was at the door holding his head in pain.
"no it's fine don't worry haha." he awkwardly laughed and rubbed his forehead before shaking it off. felix bowed apologetically.
"you're new, right?—" he asked with curiosity before getting cut off by the gym coach.
"hey! you're late on your first day." the teacher scolded.
"sorry...i was helping someone earlier." he awkwardly rubbed his neck. he resembled a pretty fox and had an amazing jawline and unique features.
"no excuses! hurry and join the game. felix, let him join...you guys." the coach instructed.

by you guys he meant the worst team ever that consisted of felix, beomgyu and a few other nobodies who sucked at dodgeball.

"well...follow me!" felix dragged the new kid, "and by the way my name is felix!" he introduced himself with a smile.
"nice to meet you felix. you're very pretty by the way." jeongin admired and felix blushed and thanked him for the compliment.

"so...who were you helping? you mentioned it earlier." felix asked after jeongin got settled in to the game. he was surprisingly very good at the game and gave the trash team some solidarity. i mean come on they finally scored another point!

"oh uh i was helping— you know hyunjin? i was— ow! he was crying in the bathroom after something happened so i wanted to check up on him." jeongin rambled as balls were getting thrown in their direction. felix stood there in shock, hyunjin?

what happened?

felix immediately grew concerned.

"hwang hyunjin?!" he whisper-yelled and jeongin nodded, handing him a ball to throw.

"d-do you know what happened?" felix was scared to find out but eventually asked.
'why do i even care so much!' he scolded himself but his kind and caring heart differed his mind.
"well some girl came up to him. i think she was tryna secure getting dick tonight or something but hyunjin looked really uncomfortable because she wouldn't stop touching his chest and shoulders so i shooed her away." he simply explained. felix was left shocked.
"wow thats..."

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