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once hyunjin's dad left for an important work meeting, felix gathered his thoughts before sitting next to hyunjin on the sofa.
he mustered up some courage before speaking up to the taller boy,

"u-um what subject would you like to revise the most?" the freckled boy asked, looking up to the raven haired boy sat next to him.

"probably english. its the only one i actually want to pass." he spoke up with a grumble. felix nodded understandingly, thinking of what else to say next.

"what do you find difficult in english?" he pestered on. hyunjin shrugged,

'so helpful.' felix mentally rolled his eyes.

hyunjin on the other hand had different thoughts,

he shamelessly watched as felix spoke and explained how he was going to schedule their tutoring sessions and where they should do them, instead of listening to the key informations, he focused on the way felix's plump lips moved with every word, catching him in a daze. he didn't know why he felt this feeling bubble in the pit of his stomach, it was because felix resembled more feminine features, right?

yeah, definitely.

fuck, he really needed some nicotine right now.

he aggressively shook his head and rubbed his eyes,
"-are you even listening?" felix asked with a small frown.

"not really." hyunjin admits with a sigh. felix mentally groans and starts over what he was currently explaining.

"as i was saying, we can do some study sessions at the library instead of at the dorm all the time, its up to you really." the younger mumbled.

"well, let me get my english textbook and you can show me what you do and don't understand.." felix finally said before getting up to grab his textbook, hyunjin watching as he walked away.

felix reached his desk to get the texbook and swiftly turned around, making his way back to the sofa where hyunjin sat. as he approached, his foot got caught between his long hello kitty pyjama trousers and the rug, causing him to trip over it.

he heard hyunjin snort at him as he held onto the sofa for support.

'how embarrassing!!' felix now just wanted to die. he sat down with a flushed face and opened up the textbook, handing it to hyunjin who accidentally brushed his fingers over his hand. this action almost caused felix to retract his hand and drop the book.

he felt his cheeks slowly warm up as he watched hyunjin's slim fingers flip through the pages,

"i think i know this.." he mumbled as he pointed towards a subject in the book. they spent some time checking hyunjin's understanding of certain core topics before moving on.

felix couldn't fathom the strange atmosphere between the two. hyunjin was clearly acting strange,throwing him glances here and there. it really started to get on his nerves...


minho smiled as he saw jisung waiting for him in front of jinyoung's loud house, oblivious to his presence. the loud music filled the neighbourhood and the smell of alcohol, drugs and sweat flowed out of the house and was tense in the air.

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