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felix threw his hands over his eyes as he finally woke up from his alarm that he set up extra early

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felix threw his hands over his eyes as he finally woke up from his alarm that he set up extra early.

today was exciting. so exciting.

once he actually became conscious of what was happening around him, he instantly threw his covers off his body and jumped out of bed, and dashed into the bathroom. he did his usual morning routine,

brushed his teeth, washed his face, detangled his hair, and applied lotion. but this time, he also put on some simple natural looking makeup to make himself look even more prettier.

he cleaned his hands and left his bathroom to go get dressed.

felix decided on wearing a simple white graphic shirt with a denim jacket over it, along with a pair of denim shorts since the weather was still nice and warm.

he put on a necklace, a pair of silver earrings, and some rings on his fingers, before deciding that he looked decent enough.

felix looked nice. he also felt nice.

he smiled in content and finally left his room, at 6:45.


hyunjin was only awake at this time by chance.

he got absolutely wasted last night, i mean- who doesn't get wasted on friday nights?

he was currently exhausted and wanted nothing more than to fall back asleep. but his mind wouldn't allow him to do so.

he had a million thoughts running around his head, his soon to be roommate being one of them.

he was not excited. at all.

gosh he couldn't stand the thought of having to share a dorm with someone.

it physically made him cringe.

hyunjin was an only child, he had almost his house to himself growing up as his father was only at home in the evenings.

he was definitely not ready to share anything with anyone anytime soon, especially his living space.

hyunjin tiredly rubbed his eyes and groaned at the thought.

it was now approaching 7am, he was unsure if his roommate would show up early in the morning or in the afternoon.

he moved his long hair strands from his face and finally sat up, stretching his arms.

he yawned as he yanked the covers off his tired body, and made his way to the bathroom he'd soon have to share with his roommate.

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