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tw;; mature scenes

"....turns out we really are last..." felix pouted as they finally exited the maze. all eyes were on them as they approached the group, last.

"what the hell were you guys doing in that maze..." minho laughed as he leaned further into jisung. felix's face turned red with embarrassment as he recalled what him and hyunjin did in that exact maze, causing them to be so late.

"well, we got lost multiple times and we took a break because lix got too cold." hyunjin shrugged.

'nice one, hwang.'

it wasn't completely a lie, they did take the wrong turns and felix did get pretty cold.

"yeah whatever. buy us our food losers!" jisung exclaimed with a grin, dragging minho and jeongin towards the colourful food stands.

felix and hyunjin looked at each other and smiled before shyly linking arms with each other, following behind their group.

chan saw this of course and rolled his eyes with a small smile, "you guys could make it less obvious, you know." he spoke up and the two boys froze.

'fuck...i forgot he was here..' hyunjin mentally groaned, turning his head to the side to face the curly haired male.

"what are you talking about?" felix mumbled, lips losing the warmth from hyunjin's as they now trembled in the cold. chan gave him a 'knowing look', which felix responded by blushing unintentionally.

"hurry up you guys~ i want corn dogs!" jisung was quick to jump to felix's side, pushing hyunjin away.


once the boys got their warm foods, they situated themselves in a seating area indoors.

"thank god its heated in here..." minho sighed in satisfaction as he sat between jisung and jeongin. chan was sat next to felix and hyunjin on his other side. they all soon began eating their warm foods, having random conversations as they ate and took sips of their drinks.

moments like these were very special to felix. enjoying his time with a few different people was a privilege he wasn't able to have until recently, and he really appreciated it.

the atmosphere was pleasing. laughter and joy filling the air as everyone in the park enjoyed their time.

hyunjin, of course, noticed the blonde's complaisant smile as he stared down at his half-eaten corn dog. his scarf was still neatly wrapped around his neck as his angelic face kept the red tint that seemed to follow him everywhere. the dark haired male felt like the time froze right there and then, the more he stared at the precious boy next to him.

could he make it more obvious?

but he didn't care, afraid that if he looked away for one second he would miss something gradually important coming from his roommate. god, he could stare at his beautiful face all day.

he had finished his food a while ago, drowning out the sound surrounding him as he focused his hearing on the soundful laugher escaping the freckled boy's cute cupid-bow lips. every beat from his laugh was important, to hyunjin at least.

'shit...i'm actually going insane.' he squeezed his eyes shut as he broke out of his deep trance. it were as if felix had some power to keep him under this spell for as long as possible. he wasn't complaining, he just wished it was just them two around right now.

"finish up guys! i wanna go play more games!" jeongin spoke up after finishing his drink. everyone swiftly finished their food and followed his orders. they cleared their table before embarking out again for the cold. it was now dark outside although it had just hit 6pm sharp.

blue lights ~ hyunlix Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu