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felix quickly obeyed and scrambled to get his books. "should we do science today?" he asked as hyunjin patiently sat on the sofa, picking at his nails.

"i don't care what we do." hyunjin mumbled, barely sparing him a glance. felix mentally rolled his eyes. dickhead.

"fine." he gave the same tone and sat down. hyunjin wouldn't stop staring at him, leaving an icy glaze over felix at his demeanour. he shrugged it off and sat on the floor next to hyunjin's legs so he would be able to access the coffee table easier, and also because he wanted to avoid sitting close to hyunjin again.

"we'll do chemistry." hyunjin groaned and dramatically threw his head back.
felix rummaged threw his bag and pulled out a 1 sided work sheet, handing it to hyunjin.

"here, do this worksheet so i can see where you're at in this damn subject." felix calmly instructed as he handed the worksheet to hyunjin, fingers brushing against his own.

hyunjin grimaced at the sheet and snatched a pen from felix's pencil case, quickly getting on with the work. about 4 minutes later, he stopped and turned towards felix.

"how do i do this one?" he carefully asked. felix looked towards where he was pointing. an ionic bonding question, how easy.

he simply explained what hyunjin had to do for the question and the taller boy nodded attentively.

"alright.." he mumbled and got back into the work. felix felt the pain of his bruises shoot up his spine as he accidentally leaned too far back into the hard part of the sofa where his back leaned against. he winced in pain and held onto his back.

"hey- are you okay?" hyunjin put the worksheet down and turned towards the younger boy who was on the floor.

"fuck...you should probably rest instead of doing this with me.." hyunjin suggested and helped felix get up to sit on the couch.

"no don't worry. i-i'll just take painkillers..." felix mumbled, realising hyunjin was still holding his wrist. realising this, he tried to pull away. but hyunjin's grip became firmer.

"w-what are you doing?" felix asked, hyunjin finally let go and shook his head.
"nothing." he returned to his sheet and eventually finished the question he was on.

'strange...' felix thought. he silently watched hyunjin write with his pen. mind flowing back to the earlier events on the day,

he sighed and rested his head on the arm rest, feeling his eyes grow heavier by the minute.

"tch, idiot." he heard hyunjin mutter before he slowly lost consciousness.

hyunjin sighed as he put the sheet down. felix's sock covered feet were slightly touching his thigh.

he still somehow looked cute sleeping...

hyunjin quickly groaned and shook his head before getting up from the couch to grab a blanket.

he was still undeniably pissed at the younger about the strawberries and the snitching, but nonetheless he covered him up with the blanket and grabbed his coat before leaving the dorm.


jisung rubbed his eyes once he entered his dorm. the smell of delicious food instantly invading his nostrils, hitting him like a big wave. he frowned in confusion, who was cooking?

he slowly took off his shoes and approached the kitchen. there stood minho, back facing him as he was working something on the stove. jisung stood in silent awe as he watched the boy cook.

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