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felix felt his heart beat faster. he shoved the lighter in his pocket, making sure it was on lock before shaking his head and going back to the kitchen. he washed his hands and took out the ingredients needed for the dumplings he was about to make for his dear roommate.

he quickly got on with it, making sure the dumplings were seasoned enough to his roommate's preference. maybe felix was too kind, but he couldn't help his caring nature to take over in situations like these.

'i'll have to ask about that lighter...' he was afraid to hear the answer that he might get from hyunjin. taking deep breaths, the blonde finished up his cooking pretty quickly, leaving the dumplings to steam away.

hyunjin was still in the bedroom, trying to recollect himself. he bit his nails anxiously, 'what is wrong with me?!' he couldn't recognise himself anymore.

when did it get this bad.....?

he was losing himself and it was scary, more and more each day. and the worst part was, he didn't even know what the problem was.

the smell of the freshly made dumplings soon took over the intoxicating smell of weed. it somehow managed to calm him down, even in the slightest way.

god, was felix an angel?

there was no way he wasn't.

how could hyunjin help falling involve with him?

there was no way he could've avoided it. it made his heart squeeze and his brain hurt whenever he remembered how he used to treat the angelic boy. he was so bitter. immature, and careless.

he couldn't imagine how much he made the younger suffer. it often made him believe he didn't deserve to fall in love, with lee felix.

he groaned, head spinning. a knock on the door and a mop of blonde hair peaked through the wooden door, hyunjin's eyes snapped towards it.

"i— the dumplings are r-ready..." felix didn't know why he suddenly felt his cheeks grow warm. hyunjin was laying down on his bed with his arms behind his head, eyes slightly droopy, and his shirt slightly ridden up revealing his toned abdomen.

'not the time!!' the blonde scolded himself. hyunjin nodded and slowly got off his bed. he stretched his long arms, making his shirt ride up even more. felix immediately averted his eyes to the floor. hyunjin noticed this, of course. he wasn't stupid. once he approached the door, the blonde swiftly moved out of the way, cheeks still a slight hue of pink. hyunjin gave him a nice smile, muttering a small "thank you".

felix followed behind him to the kitchen, apron cutely hugging his slim body. he set the dumplings out on a plate for his roommate before serving some for himself.

he watched as hyunjin began to eat.

"...is it good?" he asked, sat directly opposite to the dark haired boy on their small round table in the corner of the open space living-room.

hyunjin made sure to swallow his food before answering.

"fuck yeah, thanks." he answered. he hadn't eaten all day, of course it was good.

felix was undeniably amazing at cooking. well, much better than hyunjin was anyway.

he continued to eat. the tense atmosphere between the two roommates was undeniably weird. it was almost as if hyunjin didn't have his tongue down felix's throat 3 days ago...

"i-i don't like this..." felix suddenly spoke up, startling the older boy. his fists were clenched and his brows were furrowed. his cat apron was still on and his hair was tied in a nice ponytail with fly-away strands over his face.

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