*Buzzz* *Click*

The door clicked, signaling that it was unlocked, pushing open the door, both the droid and I stayed silent, and I noticed that he was speaking with someone, talking in a different tone, wearing some strange sunglasses. "Yes Donatello, me as well as the other Utroms, still have found no evidence as to where your brother, Michelangelo is, however, we will continue looking for your brother, have you looked into the others?"

"Yes. Me and my brothers are continuing our search, looking into each villain, but we still haven't found anything...*sigh* that will be all, thanks for the help"

"Anytime, and remember, me and the Utroms are here for you guys, farewell", Bishop ended the call and moved the communication sphere off to the side, turning his gaze to the droids as he pulled off his glasses, "You may leave", there it was his normal voice. Turning his gaze to me, he motioned to the chair in front of his desk, to which I walked over and sat in, pulling out my tablet, ready for the meeting, "013-020112, what is the status on the specimens, please tell me some good news. All I've been dealing with is 013-202012's irritating kin...", and with that the droids left the room, locking it behind them, leaving us alone. Taking in a deep breath, I looked straight at Bishop and turned on my tablet, pressing a special button that placed everything on the screen into a 3-dimensional projection, I placed the tablet on the edge of the table, and left the tablet alone, putting it closer to me, "Starting with Specimen 001, the specimen has been growing at a respective rate, staying within the theoretical hatching date, as well as the other's each one is growing perfectly, however-", pulling up the fourth specimen to the projection, making it larger than the rest, "Specimen 004 is growing in size at a rapid rate, however, seems to be still not even close to the hatch date, I suspect 004 will be a strong one, compared to the others! Regardless this could be due to the fact that unlike the other specimens, 004 is a tortoise instead of a turtle or sea turt-"

"Will they all hatch at the same time?", I knew that tone, he was impatient. Pulling up the year's calendar, I walked to the side and showed him, growing nervous as I continued to talk, "Well sir, the eggs you gave to me, well... each one has their own incubation period, each taking different lengths of time, which is why if you look at 001, this one's the most developed compared to the rest, while 003 is still in its germinal stage, I suspect that it would start changing for another few weeks. Regardless, the rest are all growing just perfectly, surprisingly-"

"What do you mean...Surprisingly? Did you suspect that the eggs wouldn't turn out how I intended?!", I kept a calm composure as I continued with our meeting, and pulled up their genetic structure, "What I mean sir, is that the mutagen injected into their eggs, and the chances of the specimens becoming what they are now, was a one in a thousand chance! I understand that the mutagen has been perfected, but that was only to mutate creatures into Kraang, the previous mutagen was unstable, so you can understand where I'm coming from, but so far they have not shown any defects in their biology, they're not fusing with the eggs, not growing an extra limb. They're just growing like normal human children, just inside eggs, compared to Mikey-, sorry 013-202012, who's also a mutant turtle, mutated from a human-",

"Human?!", the flow of my words stopped, I was confused and turned my gaze to Bishop, watching as he chuckled, leaning back in his chair, "013-202012 was never human. That thing has been a mutant since he was young!", I just stood there, staring at Bishop as he laughed, time past by and his laugh finally quieted down, my mouth still hung open, "But?!- No I went to school with him-, he was human?!", he reached off to the side and pulled out a glass container, holding the original Transformation Cell, "Did you ever see him wear this?-", I shook my head, staring at the bright gem, taking in it bright colors, "Well, he did wear the gem on a piece of human jewelry, one that wrapped around his neck, but just so you know the mutant used one identical to this, so 013-202012 was never really a human, just a mutant in disguise", he smiled the smuggest one I've seen in so long, leaning his elbow on his desk as he tapped the glass case that held the gem.

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