Chapter 34

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Xie Fei was pushed out of the door with his clothes on, and he saw Ah Fu squatting in the corridor.


The sound of the door slamming heavily frightened Ah Fu, who was already frightened, and fell to the ground, sobbing desperately: "I know, I know, he will not let me go..."

Xie Fei was still in the humiliation of being caught. No matter how thick-skinned he was, being caught searching for J. Well, it was just... too degrading! But seeing that Ah Fu was crying with snot bubbles in his nose, he still persuaded him in a good voice: "Brother Ah Fu, don't worry, he is not angry with you, and he will definitely not come to trouble you tonight."

If you are looking for it, you are also looking for me...

"Really?" Ah Fu was doubtful.

"It's absolutely true." Xie Fei pulled him up and said, "When his anger subsides tomorrow, you can admit your mistake."

Ah Fu sniffed and nodded, but he was still uneasy in his heart. After Xie Fei returned to the room, he stood there for a long time. After all, he couldn't save his panic, so he simply transformed into a bat the size of a palm and flew away from the small building. .

It was almost ten o'clock, and the front yard, courtyard and garden were full of guests walking, chatting and falling in love. Only the backyard was quiet.

A bat blended into the night and quietly circled behind the small building.

It was lurking in a tree, its dark brown eyes staring straight at a certain window. After several mental preparations, it spread its wings, glided to the window sill, and pressed its fur face against the glass to peek inside.

It was obviously the twelfth lunar month of winter, but Yu Li was only wearing a vest and was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to it.

Bat couldn't observe the other person's expression and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

It waited patiently for a while, but couldn't wait for Yu Li to turn around. The anxiety caused by the unknown aroused the fear in its heart.

Suddenly, the bat saw Yu Li jump up. He stood there for a while, then turned around and flew back to the big bed, with an expression that it had never seen before and could not imagine... rolling over with the quilt rolled up. Roll away, like kelp turned into essence.


very scary.

I'm blind.

The bat's whole body hair stood on end, and it seemed that the smell of spring pollen could be smelled through the glass. It turned its head and almost ran away.

Compared with such Yuli, it would rather not see the sun tomorrow!

In the next room, Xie Fei really doubted that he would never see the sun tomorrow - every muscle and bone in his body was clamoring, protesting to him as the master.

He used his last remaining energy to take a shower, climbed into bed and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. He didn't expect that he could still dream even though he was so exhausted.

In the dream, it was no longer a snowfield, but a green mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the man in black did not hold the red umbrella, and there was no murderous intent in his eyes. Instead, he looked at the young man opposite with a smile.

"Bold! You dare to enter my dream!"

The young man was exactly the same as Yu Li, except that he was a few years younger and his hair was longer than his waist. The top of his hair was randomly pulled into a bun with a thin bamboo tube. He was wearing a dark purple robe with silver patterns embroidered on it and hundreds of butterflies embroidered on it. When his wide sleeves were lifted up by the mountain wind, the butterflies seemed to come alive and dance gracefully through the purple clouds.

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