Chapter 11

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Since Yang Duoduo was still in the inn and could not meet with An Mingyi, Xie Fei, after obtaining Yu Li's consent, decided to let An Mingyi live downstairs. There happened to be a vacant guest room on the first floor.

I don't know how Xu Lingyi deceived her cousin. Early the next morning, Yang Duoduo showed up alone in the restaurant. When she met Xie Fei, she didn't ask about what happened yesterday. She only said that her cousin was injured in an accident and needed to rest, and she had to go to the film and television base by herself.

Xie Fei served her a bowl of porridge, "Didn't you go there yesterday?"

Yang Duoduo said "Yes": "But I have to leave tomorrow. It's a rare trip, and I just happen to catch up with Oppa in Shaoyang. I also want to see him again."

Xie Fei smiled and expressed his understanding. After Yang Duoduo finished breakfast, he arranged for Concubine Xiang to take her to the village entrance station.

However, Yang Duoduo was destined to miss her idol because Yu Li slept until noon.

When he went downstairs, he saw An Mingyi and Xu Lingyi sitting in the living room. Compared with yesterday, the two of them were in good spirits. At least they no longer looked like the miserable male and female protagonists. Especially Xu Lingyi's eyes still had a hint of saying no. Unexplained waves...

Sure enough, Xu Lingyi announced excitedly when she saw him: "Mr. Yu, we have decided to have this child!"

Yu Li first glanced at An Mingyi, who was smiling reluctantly, and then walked to the sofa calmly. After sitting down, he straightened his legs in an imageless manner and rested them leisurely on the coffee table. "Have you thought about it?"

Xu Lingyi tucked a strand of hair behind her ears and smiled shyly: "Well, although it's a little hard to understand, the child is indeed mine..."

"There is nothing difficult to understand." Yu Li said leisurely: "Once the bloodline is awakened, the male seahorse demon can absorb the eggs of the mating partner on its own."

Xu Lingyi's face turned redder and she looked away uncomfortably: "So, so I should shoulder the responsibility of being a father...and a mother."

An Mingyi seemed like he couldn't stand listening anymore and asked quickly: "Mr. Yu, will the child be half-demon when he is born?"

Yu Li looked at him with sultry eyes: "Of course your child has the same seahorse bloodline as you, but he may not be able to awaken."

An Mingyi was silent for a long time, "What if it's a girl?"

Yu Li smiled inexplicably: "If she wakes up, it's best to find Dink to fall in love with."


"The female seahorse itself has no child-rearing function. In other words, if her love partner is not a male seahorse, it is basically equivalent to infertility."


An Mingyi suffered another heavy blow, and his original decision became hesitant. Just when he and Xu Lingyi went back to the room to discuss life events, Yang Duoduo came back early.

"Why so early?" Xie Fei glanced at the clock on the wall in the lobby. It was not yet one o'clock.

Yang Duoduo looked disappointed: "There is no Oppa scene today, he is not on the set."

Xie Fei had not seen Yu Li since the morning, and thought he had left early. At this time, he was quite surprised: "But isn't he the leading actor?"

"The heroine of "Dynasty" is Jian Yiyi. She has signed a movie with a major director. It is said that the crew is only given a schedule of more than 70 days, so they have to focus on filming her scenes first." Yang Duoduo said dejectedly: "Everyone I didn't see Oppa for the last time."

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