Chapter 33

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Xie Fei looked back on his eighteen years of life, and the most embarrassing thing was when he was playing hide and seek in elementary school. Unfortunately, the class girl took off his pants while climbing a ladder, exposing his naked buttocks in front of all his classmates. However, compared to this moment, that was nothing, after all, he was still underage at that time!

Due to being too ashamed, Xie Fei's mind froze and he failed to retract his hand immediately.

While he was dazed, he felt something cool on the top of his head, as if he was being blown by a dark wind. Then he heard Yu Li's frosty sound as if he had been frozen for ten thousand years, and said with gritted teeth: "Hand, take it, open it."

Xie Fei hurriedly retracted his hand and shrank into the corner. He found that Yu Li's facial features were a little distorted - because he still had the face of a bearded man, he even looked a little ferocious.

The word "pill" kept echoing in his mind, and Xie Fei just wanted to hug his weak self.

However, the tragedy did not happen. I don't know if it was because of excessive pain that caused him to be weak, or because there were two other uninformed people in the car. Yu Li just closed his eyes and breathed in, and his breathing rate was a little faster than usual.

Xie Fei waited for a long time, but before the rage came, and no one spoke in the car, his thoughts inevitably wandered away again.

The palms of his hands felt a little hot. Xie Fei turned his head uncomfortably and looked out the window. There was no scenery on the road at night, only the passing street lights.

However, even if he stared at the streetlight, he couldn't stop him from thinking in a disharmonious direction.

In fact, he is really a bit too gifted and cannot be seen at all. Xie Fei commented to himself rather enthusiastically. He didn't know whether it was because the development of demons was better than that of humans, or whether it was due to the original shape.

Thinking of the truth, Xie Fei's heart moved.

He observed Yu Li through the reflection of the car window, and when he saw that the other party was still maintaining the same posture, he secretly took out his mobile phone, logged in to the search page covertly, and quickly entered a line of words.

The next second, millions of search results appeared on the page. Xie Fei clicked on one and saw someone answering like this——

The ocean is dominated by blue whales, which can grow up to 2.4 meters long.

The land animals are headed by elephants, which can grow up to 2 meters long.


They don't feel much alike.

He also wanted to expand his knowledge and found that the car had driven into Xining Village.

On the way back from the garage to the inn, Yu Li took the lead and was followed by the other three cautiously.

Xie Fei saw Yu Li taking long strides and couldn't help but feel relieved. It seemed that everything was fine...

When he arrived at the inn, Yu Li kicked open the fence door, attracting the surprised and uncertain eyes of the guests in the front yard.

He looked straight forward without squinting, and Xie Fei had no choice but to stay and apologize, while Ah Fu looked like he was about to cry, his eyes filled with sadness: "Boss is so angry, I'm afraid I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow. I'm about to leave now. , please let me call you master again, may you enjoy eternal blessings and live as long as heaven."

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