Missing Piece

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I've almost finished putting the puzzle together

Each piece creating a beautiful view

But no matter how hard I try to find it

There's still a missing piece – and it's you

At first, I thought it was just my eyes

Playing tricks under the bright light

I turned the pieces twice, thrice, and more

But it still wasn't right

The puzzle was of a picturesque beach

With waves crashing at the shore

The sun was slowly setting, casting colors

That made the scene even more divine than before

The puzzle was a gift from a friend

Who knew how much I loved the sea

She said it'd take my mind off things

To bring out the best in me

So I took on the challenge with all my heart

Working on it day and night

I sorted each piece by color and size

Filling in the picture, piece by piece, bit by bit

But as I put the last piece down

I realized there was still a void

A missing piece that should have been there

To complete the image I had in my mind

I looked through all the pieces again

Looking for the one that would fit

Longing for the piece that was missing

That would make everything feel just right

But no matter how hard I tried

I couldn't seem to find it anywhere

And the puzzle, now incomplete

Left me feeling incomplete as well

For weeks, I pondered over it

Trying to find the missing element

And then it hit me like a bolt of lightning

That the piece I needed was you – my missing ornament

Our love was like the pieces of the puzzle

Fitting together like a perfect match

But life had taken us down different paths

And we'd lost touch in the aftermath

The missing piece, the final piece

Was not a part of this puzzle

It was the piece of my heart that belonged to you

The piece that made my life beautiful

I reached out to you, nervous and shy

Hoping you'd still feel the same

I wanted to complete my puzzle of life

By adding you back into the frame

You answered and said, "I've missed you too

Let's not waste any time, let's catch up

We'll pick up where we left off before

And fill in the gaps of love"

So we met, rekindling our old flame

The missing piece now in sight

We talked and laughed like old times

Our love feeling as pure as the light

As I lay down to sleep that night

I realized that I'd found what I'd missed

It wasn't just about the puzzle anymore

It was about the love that I was risking

Our love was bigger than any puzzle

But it was still incomplete without you

So let's hold on to our love and never let go

Because without you, there's no piece that will do.

Unspoken Melodies: Poems That SingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin