Cycle of Life

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Bitter endings are for better beginnings,
A truth that to our existence is bound;
We must let go of what is fading,
For the new, unexplored life to be found.

The world is a symphony of constant change,
And life is but a flicker in its dance;
All that we have will soon be rearranged,
Leaving us with nothing but a mere chance.

But fear not, for though it may seem bleak,
The ending of one is the start of another;
What was lost shall then be found, so to speak,
And a new adventure will soon discover.

The sun has set, and the night is profound,
But in its darkness lies a new day;
The morning sun, with its radiant crown,
Will bring new life in a magnificent way.

A bitter end to one is sweet to another,
A cycle that we must all embrace;
For every loss, there’s a gain to discover,
And every challenge is but a new race.

A chapter ends, and a new one begins,
A blank page waiting for our story;
We must pick up our pens, ready to begin,
And create a life that brims with glory.

So hold your head up, do not despair,
For everything is meant to pass;
Live fully, love deeply, and dare to dare,
And see the beauty in life’s harrowed class.

Embrace the unknown with open arms,
For nothing is ever truly lost;
The bitter endings may cause us harm,
But the better beginnings will outweigh the cost.

For life is but a journey through time,
Full of surprises and bittersweet rhymes;
With every ending, a new verse does chime,
And with every beginning, a new chance to climb.

Bitter endings are for better beginnings,
And the cycle continues to spin;
So let go of what is no longer winning,
For the new, unexplored life to begin.

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