Hunger Games of Deception

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We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry,
Desperate for a taste of sweet or savory,
Our tongues crave a flavor that satisfies,
But the truth seems too bitter to arise.

We consume deception with every bite,
Swallowing falsehoods without much insight,
Ignoring the clues that hint at deceit,
We keep eating, hoping for a sweet treat.

The hunger within us is insatiable,
A burning desire that is undeniable,
We search for nourishment, for something to fill,
But lies are all that come to our will.

Sometimes, we know the food we eat is fake,
Still, we cling to it, afraid to forsake,
For fear of being left with an empty plate,
We settle for what we know is a mistake.

The game of hunger is played by all,
A struggle to survive, to remain enthralled,
We fight for the crumbs of recognition,
Bear the burden of our great ambitions.

We all have stories of our hunger games,
Of lies we've eaten and the truths we've tamed,
Of moments that make us curse and cry,
And times that make us soar and fly.

In this world of hunger, we all play a part,
Some of us choose truth, some prefer art,
But no matter how we play the game,
We all end up hungry just the same.

So let us break free from this endless cycle,
Of lies that deceive and truths that stifle,
Let us feast on honesty and transparency,
And free ourselves from the game of disparity.

For when we choose to eat what is true,
Our hearts will fill with love anew,
A sweetness that never fades in time,
A flavor that satisfies beyond any rhyme.

Unspoken Melodies: Poems That SingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ