Finding Happiness Again

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When I lost you, I gained my smile back.
I had been holding back my tears for so long,
Walking around with a broken heart and a fake grin.
I thought I would never feel happiness again,
But losing you gave me a gift I never could have imagined.

It had been years of trying to make things work,
But we kept hurting each other in endless cycles.
I loved you deeply, and I believed you loved me too,
But we were both too damaged to find our way back to love.

It hurt like hell when you said you didn't want me anymore,
But somehow, the pain started to fade away.
I stopped feeling like a victim and began to see myself as a survivor,
Someone who deserved better than what I was settling for.

Day by day, I started to find my happiness again,
Rediscovering parts of myself that had gone dormant.
I laughed more often, cried less, and felt grateful for my life,
Finding joy in simple pleasures like a good book or a warm cup of tea.

When I lost you, I gained my smile back,
And I realized that my happiness was always within me.
I didn't need someone else to make me whole,
I needed to accept myself, flaws and all, and learn to love myself.

I started to do things I had always been afraid to do,
Taking risks, following my passions, and pursuing my dreams.
I traveled to new places, met new people, and discovered new perspectives,
Opening my mind and expanding my horizons beyond our little bubble.

I grew stronger, braver, and more resilient,
Learning from my mistakes and using them to become a better version of myself.
I forgave myself for the times I had settled for less,
And I promised myself that I would always strive for more.

When I lost you, I gained my smile back,
And I learned that sometimes, losing someone can be a blessing in disguise.
It's not easy to let go of someone you love,
But sometimes, it's the only way to find true happiness and inner peace.

Today, I look back on our relationship with gratitude instead of bitterness,
Knowing that every moment we shared taught me valuable lessons about life and love.
I don't regret the time we spent together,
But I'm grateful for the gift of freedom and self-discovery that came with your goodbye.

When I lost you, I gained my smile back,
And I found the beauty in life again.
I'm not saying that I'll never feel heartache or sadness again,
But now I know that I have the strength and resilience to overcome them.

I smile more often now, not because my life is perfect,
But because I know that I'm doing my best, and that's enough.
I smile because I no longer live in fear of losing someone else,
Because even if I do, I know that I'll find my smile again.

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