Unending Agony

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It is not the intensity but the duration of pain that breaks the will to resist

The constant gnawing ache that never seems to cease

A slow and steady burn that eats at the soul

A weight that only grows heavier and more burdensome

You may think you are strong, that you can withstand it all

But the unending agony will test even the most resilient of spirits

It will strip away your hope, your optimism, your faith in the future

It will leave you feeling lost, directionless, and alone

In the beginning, you may try to fight it

You may convince yourself that if you endure just a little longer, it will go away

But as days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months, and months turn into years

The unending agony becomes a part of you, like a shadow that follows you everywhere

You may try to distract yourself, to find moments of fleeting happiness

But the pain lingers in the background, waiting for you to let your guard down

It chips away at your resolve, your strength, your very sense of self

Until you become a mere shell of the person you once were

People may commend you for your perseverance, your grit, your determination

They may tell you that you are an inspiration, that they admire your strength

But inside, you know the truth

That you are not strong, that you are not brave, that you are not exceptional

You are just someone who has been dealt a bad hand

Someone who has been forced to endure a pain that never goes away

And even though you may try to put on a brave face

Inside, you are screaming for it to stop

You may wonder why it happens to you

Why you have to suffer while others seem to live without a care in the world

You may question whether you are being punished for something you did

Or whether it is just a cruel twist of fate

But in the end, it doesn't matter

The unending agony is not something that can be explained away

It is not something that can be justified or rationalized

It is simply something that is

And so you learn to live with it

To accept it as a part of your life

To try to find little moments of joy in the midst of the pain

To hold on to the hope that someday, somehow, it will end

But deep down, you know the truth

That the unending agony will never truly go away

That it will always be there, lurking in the shadows

Waiting for the moment when you let your guard down

And so you keep fighting

You keep enduring

You keep living

Because that is all you can do

It is not the intensity but the duration of pain that breaks the will to resist

And although the unending agony may test you to your very limits

You know that you will never give up

That you will keep going, no matter what

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