Imperfectly Perfect

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Perfection is found in accepting your imperfections,
As wondrous flaws can be found in each being.
The things that make us different are our greatest attractions,
Shaping us in unique ways we never stop seeing.

To be perfect, one must acknowledge their shortcomings,
And treasure those parts we once thought were mistakes.
For they make us whole and help us to keep belonging,
Giving us the chance to embrace the life that in us awakes.

For years, I thought my flaws had nothing to offer,
That they made me unworthy of love and care.
I wanted to be perfect, but perfection was a torture,
As I kept striving and struggling to get there.

Until one day, I realized that was not the way,
To feel complete or make a difference in life.
I needed to accept my flaws and learn how to play,
So I could find joy in every hardship and strife.

And with that, I set out on a journey of self-discovery,
Learning to love every bit of myself, the good and the bad.
I sought to unveil the beauty in my individuality,
And to seek a path in life that would make me truly glad.

There were days when I stumbled, and moments when I cried,
But those times only made me stronger and more aware.
They taught me to cherish what I had inside,
Even if it seemed small compared to what others could share.

I learned that true perfection lies in accepting ourselves,
In all our moods, quirks, and peculiarities.
For it is they that make us charming and uniquely ourselves,
Gracing us with a charismatic personality.

So today, I look in the mirror with pride,
Knowing that every imperfection is a badge of honor.
They remind me of the journey that I traveled with a smile,
And of the countless moments that made me stronger.

From my crooked teeth to the scar on my cheek,
Every little thing in me is special and unique.
I wear them with pride, as they make me complete,
And to my heart, they bring warmth every day of the week.

In this world, we often strive to be someone else,
So we can escape the troubles and hardships we face.
But by accepting our flaws and being true to ourselves,
We can find happiness in every challenge and grace.

So let us embrace our flaws as they are,
As they are proof of our strength and our valor.
For in the end, it is they that make us unique,
And help us to keep living a life that is so chic.

Perfection is found in accepting your imperfections,
And finding the beauty in everything that you are.
So never let anyone tell you that you're not whole or perfect,
For in the end, it is what sets you apart and makes you a shining star.

Unspoken Melodies: Poems That SingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora