Profound Gifts Of Life

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Some people give you life, others give you lessons,
Each person a treasure, each experience a blessing.
They come in different forms, shapes, and sizes,
Just like the colors of a rainbow, or stars that mesmerize us.

Some teach you to be strong, others gentle and kind,
Some show you how to soar, and leave all doubts behind.
Some are like a ray of sunshine, a beacon of hope,
Some are like a warm embrace, a safe haven to cope.

But one thing's for sure, they all make you grow,
Whether it's through joy or pain, they help you learn and know.
Know who you are, what you stand for, and what you believe,
Know what you want, and what you're willing to receive.

Some people give you love, others give you grace,
Both are gifts from the divine, and never go to waste.
Love is like a seed, that grows into a flower,
Grace is like a river, that flows with endless power.

Love comes in many shapes, forms, and expressions,
It's the essence of life, the source of our connections.
It can be romantic, familial, or platonic,
It's the glue that binds us, and makes us feel harmonic.

Grace is like a balm, that heals our wounded hearts,
It's the gift of forgiveness, that sets us free to restart.
It's the strength to persevere, the courage to let go,
It's the light that shows us, the way through the shadow.

Some people give you wisdom, others give you faith,
Both are the foundation, that guides us on life's path.
Wisdom is like a map, that shows us where to go,
It's the voice of experience, that we come to know.

Faith is like a beacon, that shines through the mist,
It's the assurance of hope, that we can't resist.
It's the unwavering trust, that all will be well,
It's the peace that surpasses, all understanding we tell.

Some people give you beauty, others give you joy,
Both are like medicine, that heals what we destroy.
Beauty is like a poem, that stirs our heart and soul,
It's the magic of art, that makes us feel whole.

Joy is like a dance, that we can't help but join,
It's the laughter of children, that makes our day a coin.
It's the celebration of life, in all its vibrant hues,
It's the gift of living, that we can't refuse.

Some people give you hope, others give you truth,
Both are like steppingstones, that lead to eternal youth.
Hope is like a dream, that inspires us to act,
It's the promise of tomorrow, that keeps us on the track.

Truth is like a mirror, that reflects our innermost,
It's the light of consciousness, that frees us from our ghost.
It's the essence of reality, that we can't deny,
It's the foundation of wisdom, that helps us to fly.

So, let us cherish all those, who give us life and lessons,
For in them we find, the profound gifts of life's blessings.
They are the stars that shine, in our darkest night,
They are the pillars of strength, that guide us to the light.

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