Life Is A Game, So I Play To Win

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There is no limit to what we can achieve

As long as we have the courage to believe

Believe that we can conquer the impossible

And leave every obstacle behind, unbelievable

Life is a game, so I play to win

Chasing my dreams with all the motivation within

I never stop, I never cease to pursue

No matter how tough the journey, I push anew

The game of life is full of twists and turns

Winning or losing is a lesson learned

At every step, there is a chance to grow

To discover, to evolve and to glow

As I walk on the path of life

I always remember to keep my drive alive

The fear of losing, I put aside

For the desire to win is the fuel to thrive

I set my eyes on the prize

For every failure is merely a disguise

Success is waiting to be attained

And every challenge is just a test to be sustained

The game of life can be tough and unfair

But I always choose to play with flair

With passion, devotion, and self-belief

I keep moving ahead, overcoming every grief

I know all too well that my strength lies within

For with every fall, I learn how to win

I take every shot and I make every move

I never let go, I never lose my groove

Sometimes I fall, sometimes I break

But I land on my feet, ready to take

Another shot at the game, another chance to improve

For my spirit is unbreakable, it will always groove

I play the game like there is no tomorrow

I refuse to give up, drown in sorrow

For I know every lost game is a lesson learned

And every roadblock is a bridge to be earned

I play with all my might, with all my soul

For I know life is a game that takes its toll

But I am strong, I am tough, I am bold

And I will keep playing until I reach my goal

At the end of the game, I'll be a winner

For I'll have played with dedication and desire

I'll have left every setback behind

For my courage and faith would have shined

Life is a game, and I play to win

With every victory, I'll make my kin grin

For the game is on, and I am set to go

With passion and fervor, I'll make it through the show.

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