Timeless Everything

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Everything, in time, will come to pass
The gentle breeze, the ocean's calmness too
From sprout to tree, from child to old crass
Time ticks on, no matter what we do

The sun, in all its glory, sets and rises
The stars above, they twinkle and they shine
Days turn to weeks, to months, to years of sizes
The moon, a constant motion to remind

The seasons shift, warm to chill to hot
The colors change, the leaves fall and grow
The world moves on, as if it's all been bought
But everything, in time, will come and go

Timeless everything, a phenomenon to witness
Moments to cherish, memories to keep and caress

The sands of time, forever in motion
Creating patterns, shapes we cannot behold
The rhythm of life, with each breath and notion
Onward we go, with stories to be told

We love and lose, we laugh and cry
Life's lessons, not always easy to grasp
But through it all, we continue to try
To make sense of it all, to mend and clasp

Timeless everything, a constant evolution
A cycle of birth, growth, and decay
From the micro to macro, within the confusion
A cosmic dance, to celebrate and sway

As we wander on, through the ups and downs
The ebb and flow of life, it takes its toll
But everything, in time, will come around
A circle of life, an eternal whole

So, let us embrace this journey of life
With open hearts and curious mind
Timeless everything, a magnificent strife
Through which we seek and hope to find

The meaning of it all, the secret to our soul
A purpose to live, to give, to love, and to console.

Unspoken Melodies: Poems That SingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora