Dichotomy of Music

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Music heals but sometimes lyrics kills,
A dichotomy that lies within every note,
A melody that uplifts and a verse that chills,
The power of music, it never fails to emote.

How strange it is that a single sound,
Can bring tears and laughters at the same time,
A playlist that can make your heart pound,
Or calm your nerves when everything seems to be prime.

But what if every note harms your soul,
What if every lyric pierces through your heart?
Would you still listen until you're whole?,
Or would you walk away, and keep your distance apart?

These questions arise when music turns bleak,
A tune that echoes pain, a verse that breeds despair,
The melody that once brought comfort you seek,
Now leaves you shattered, trapped in an endless nightmare.

Yet even in the midst of all the noise,
There lies a beauty in the pain and hurt,
A different kind of solace amidst the poison,
A reminder that life's not always about comfort.

For every sad song, there's a brighter tune,
Every depressing lyric has a ray of hope,
The dichotomy of music can make you swoon,
Or push you to the limit, a way for you to cope.

And so we listen, to the songs that heal,
To the lyrics that bring light to the darkest night,
We find our sanctuary, when life gets too real,
And the rhythm of music becomes our guiding light.

For whether music heals or lyrics kills,
It's the feeling it brings that truly matters,
The way it makes us move, the way it fills,
Our hearts and souls with memories that never shatter.

Listen with caution, but also with an open heart,
Let the music take you on a journey of the soul,
For the dichotomy of music is an art,
And in the end it's what makes us whole.

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