Painful Path To Growing Up

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Pain is part of growing, they say,
And I have come to learn this truth the hard way.
As a child, I thought growing up
Would be all fun and games, no interruptions or hiccups.

But little did I know that life
Was going to dish out its fair share of strife.
Pain came knocking on my door,
And the world as I knew it felt so unsure.

It started with the little things,
Like a scraped knee or a bee sting.
But as I got older, the pain grew
And it wasn't just physical, it was emotional too.

I learned that growing up meant
Making decisions that had consequences, no relent.
And sometimes the choices I made
Left me feeling like there was no escape.

The pain of heartbreak was the worst
It felt like my heart was about to burst.
I didn't know how to handle the pain
So I bottled it up, hoping it would wane.

But the pain didn't just disappear
It lingered on, fueling my fear.
I was scared of getting hurt again,
So I built up walls to keep the pain at bay, my defense.

But those walls only kept me
Safe from the outside, but inside I felt empty.
The pain of loneliness was too great
And it pushed me to the edge, almost too late.

But then I learned a valuable lesson,
That pain is like a rite of passage, a necessary progression.
Without the pain, I wouldn't be who I am today,
A person who's learned from their mistakes along the way.

I realized that pain is not a curse
But an opportunity to grow and purge.
To let go of the things that hold us back
And embrace the new, even if it's not exact.

So I faced my pain head-on, with courage,
And slowly but surely, I started to flourish.
I found joy in the simple things
And let go of the pain that had clipped my wings.

Now, as I stand here, years later,
I can look back at my journey and feel greater.
For the pain that once held me captive
Is now a reminder of how I've grown, how I've adapted.

Pain is part of growing, there's no denying,
But it's the way we handle it that counts, defining.
So face your pain, don't run away,
For the growth that awaits you is worth the price you'll pay.

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