Forever in the Depths of Love

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I wish the way I feel about you,
Was enough for us to be together.

But alas, the universe has other plans,
And our love is meant to remain forever in the depths of my heart.

How can I express the depth of my love for you?
How can I make you see the fire that burns within my soul?

My love for you is like the ocean,
Vast and deep, ever-flowing and never-ending.

It’s like the stars that twinkle in the night sky,
Bright, beautiful, and eternal in their glory.

I wish that I could hold you in my arms,
Feel the warmth of your skin against mine.

I wish I could kiss away your fears,
And wrap you in my love forever.

But life is not always kind,
And our love is not meant to be.

Still, I cherish every moment that we shared,
Every smile, every laugh, and every tear.

For you have touched my heart in a way that no one else could,
And I am forever grateful for the love we shared.

I wish that we could turn back time,
And change the course of our fate.

But we must accept what we cannot change,
And treasure the memories that we have made.

I will always love you,
In this life and the next.

For my love for you transcends time and space,
And will forever remain in the depths of my soul.

I wish the way I feel about you,
Was enough for us to be together.

But our love was not meant to be,
And I must learn to let you go.

Yet, I will carry your love with me always,
And cherish the precious moments we shared.

For you will always be a part of me,
Forever in the depths of my heart and soul.

Unspoken Melodies: Poems That SingKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat